Monday, August 6, 2018

රූපමය භාවනා : සිද්ධි අධ්‍යනය තුළින් ජීවිතයට ධනාත්මක අවබෝධය හා තිරසාර සතුට / Artistic meditation : Making a hypothesis to life, happiness and success from television and cinema

Art in any form studied properly will enable and unlock anyone to his or her human psyche with a much broader sense of perspective of life allowing the higher state of mind.

Therefore art being enjoyed or made/created is kind of a meditation allowing a human being to unlock and understand the true nature of the world inside and outside of us.

But it is vital you have the proper basis on what you value as art and in my opinion, using basic and deep Buddhist concepts, work ethics and accurate vision can allow a wider perspective of life being understood by using art.

කලාව හා නිර්මාණය තුළින් ඔබට මානසික හා රූපමය භාවනාවක යෙදීමට හැක.

සිනමාව හා ටෙලි නාට්‍ය තුලින් ඔබට සමාජයේ මෙන්ම තමා තුළ පවත්නා අභ්‍යන්තර හා බාහිර මානසික ස්වභාවයන් හදුනාගෙන ඒ අනුව කටයුතු කල හැක.

එමනිසා ඔබගේ පෞද්ගලික ජීවිතයට තිරසාර සතුටක් මෙන්ම ධනාත්මක සුබවාදී අවබෝදයක් ලබා ගැනීමට හැකි නම්, අවශ්‍යනම් හොඳ කළා නිර්මාණ දෙස නිවැරදි දෘෂ්ටියෙන් බලන්න.

කලාව නිර්වචනයට නිවැරදි දෘෂ්ටිය, වෘත්තිමය ආචාර ධර්ම හා තමා අදහන, ඉගෙනගත් ආගමික ඥානය තුලින් විමසන්න.

Since I was a child I used to enjoy films from Hollywood (American films), Bollywood (Indian films [Hindi]), Tollywood (Tamil language films), and Sri Lankan films. It was from 1994 to the present.

I used to spend a lot of time on these things and sometimes I feel regret for the time spent.

Then I realized the above-given benefits I received from them.

Most of all I was very happy during these observations.

I'm not saying to waste time like me but not to regret things you enjoyed most in the past.

But try to avoid mistakes from the past. Know your priorities in life that will enhance your state of life.

According to John Lennon, a world-famous English rock band member of "The Beatles", "Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time."

මා කුඩා කළ සිටම බොහෝ ඉංග්‍රීසි, හින්දි, දෙමළ හා ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය සිනමාව රස වින්දෙමි. ඒ 1994 සිට වර්තමානය දක්වාය.

මගේ බොහෝ කාලයක් මේ සඳහා වැය කරන ලදී.

මා කෙතරම් කාලයක් මෙම කටයුතු සඳහා වැය කලේද යත් මා හට විටෙක මේ ගැන දැන් ඇත්තේ තරමක් දුක්බර මානසික තත්ත්වයකි. ඒ මට මගේ වෘත්තීය හා පෞදගලික ජීවිතය මට තරමක් සතුටින් ගත කිරීමට, මෙම කාළය නාස්ති කිරීම් අධ්‍යාපනයට යොමු කලේ නම් මීට වඩා සාර්ථකත්වයක් මා හට ලැබීමට තිබුණු හෙයිනි.

නමුත් එවැනි දුක්බර හා අඳුරු සිතුවිලි එන විට මම බොහෝ විට කරන්නේ මෙම කලාව නිසා මම ලද වාසි හා සතුට ගැන සිතීමයි. එමගින් ජීවිතයේ අසර්තකත්වයන් නිසා හට ගන්නා වේදනාවන් නිවී යයි.

මම මෙය කියවන අයට කියන්නේ මා මෙන් කාලය නාස්ති නොකරන ලෙසයි.

තම තමාගේ ජීවිතේ 'පදනම් / මුලික' අරමුණු සමග ගමන් කරමින් අදාල ජීවිතය විනෝදයෙන් හා ඵලදායීව ගත කරන ලෙසයි.

"ද බීටල්ස්" (The Beatles) නම් ඉංග්‍රීසි ජාතික රොක් සංගීත කණ්ඩායමේ සාමාජිකයකු වන "ජෝන් ලෙනන්" (John Lennon) පැවසු පරිදි, "ඔබ සතුටින් ගත කල කාලය, කාලයේ නාස්තියක් නොවේ."

එමනිසා අතීත දුක්බර වේදනාවන් අමතක කර අනාගතය සරු කරගන්න.

The following are some of the teledramas and films I watched like 100 times. But I don't regret any minute spent on them.

පහත දැක්වෙන්නේ මම 100 පාරක් පමණ නරබු චිත්‍රපට හා ටෙලිනාට්‍ය  කෘති වල නම් පෙළකි. මම එයට ගෙවූ කාලයට ඇත්තේ ස්තුතිවන්ත මනසකි. මොකද මම ඒ වෙලාව නාස්ති කලේ සතුටින්.

(01) I am Legend
(02) Rundown / Welcome to the Jungle
(03) The Last Samurai
(04) Yojimbo
(05) Sanjuro
(06) Gladiator
(07) Shawshank Redemption
(08) Catch me if you can
(09) Superbad
(10) This is the end
(11) Zombieland
(12) Empire of the sun
(13) Fight club
(14) Se7en
(15) The Green Mile
(16) Castaway

(17) වෙද හාමිනේ / Weda Hamine Television series

(18) දඬුබස්නාමානය / Dandubasnamanaya Television series

(19) The curious case of Benjamin Button

(20) The assassination of Jesse James by Coward Robert Ford

(21) Sunshine
(22) මචං / Machan
(23) Minority Report
(24) War of the worlds
(25) Artificial Intelligence
(26) Slumdog Millionaire
(27) Sin city
(28) 3:10 to Yuma
(29) For a few dollars more
(30) Kal ho naa ho
(31) Kabhi Kushi Kabhi Gham
(32) Kuch Kuch Hota Hai
(33) Bhoot
(34) Sarkar
(35) Ghajini (Tamil)
(36) The Prestige
(37) The Dark Knight
(38) Death Sentence
(39) SAW
(40) Blade
(41) Blade 2
(42) John Wick
(43) The pursuit of happyness
(44) Knight and Day
(45) X Men: Trilogy
(46) X Men: Prequel Trilogy
(47) Logan
(48) Watchmen
(49) The Grand Budapest Hotel
(50) Saving Private Ryan
(51) Enemy at the gates
(52) Seven years in Tibet
(53) දඩ බිම / Dhada Bima Television series
(54) රුපියල් සත / Rupiyal Satha Television series
(55) Water
(56) 3 Idiots
(57) Touchez Pas Au Grisbi
(58) Where is my friend?
(59) Children of Heaven
(60) White Balloon
(61) My fair lady
(62) Sound of music
(63) Patton
(64) The Ten Commandments
(65) The elephant man
(66) Chinatown
(67) The Shining
(68) Amadeus
(69) Rain man
(70) The pianist
(71) King Kong
(72) The Insider
(73) The Terminal
(74) Michael Clayton
(75) Ray
(76) Crash
(77) The Wrestler
(78) The Last Emperor
(79) The Hunting Party
(80) War Inc.
(81) The Da Vinci Code
(82) Frost / Nixon
(83) Alien
(84) Aliens
(85) 12 Monkeys
(86) Waterworld
(87) Equilibrium
(88) 28 Days Later
(89) Collateral
(90) Moon
(91) Cloverfield
(92) Children of Men
(93) I Robot
(94) Avatar
(95) Animatrix
(96) 'Kung Fu Panda' film series
(97) Leon
(98) The Thin Red Line
(99) Storm Catcher
(100) Ghost Rider
(101) Constantine
(102) Wall - E
(103) Charlie and the chocolate factory
(104) Big Fish
(105) Ben Hur
(106) Where the wild things are
(107) Mouse hunt
(108) The Forbidden Kingdom
(109) Beowulf
(110) Lord of the Rings: Trilogy
(111) The Hangover
(112) American Gangster
(113) 300
(114) Apocalypto
(115) Braveheart
(116) Kingdom of Heaven
(117) The Last of Mohicans
(118) Platoon
(119) Apocalypse now
(120) Full Metal Jacket
(121) Jarhead
(122) Black Hawk Down
(123) Scarface
(124) Usual Suspects
(125) Heat
(126) Inglorious Basterds
(127) Wanted
(128) Sleepy Hollow
(129) The Mexican
(130) Erin Brockovich
(131) The god must be crazy
(132) Men In Black: Trilogy
(133) The Bucket List
(134) Ghost Writer
(135) Traffic
(136) Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
(137) Ocean's Trilogy
(138) Sherlock Holmes
(139) Sherlock Holmes - A game of shadows
(140) Interstellar
(141) Barry Lyndon
(142) Family Guy: The movie
(143) The Matrix Trilogy
(144) The Godfather: Trilogy
(145) One flew over the cuckoo's nest
(146) King and I
(147) Resident Evil
(148) Alien Vs. Predator
(149) Up
(150) Kick-Ass
(151) Total Recall
(152) 'Predator' film series
(153) The Mummy
(154) The Mummy: Returns
(155) Spy Kids
(156) Spider-Man
(157) Spider-Man 2
(158) Flags of Our Fathers
(159) Limitless
(160) Jack Reacher
(161) Oblivion
(162) Edge of Tomorrow
(163) Mission Impossible: Film series
(164) Fast and Furious: Film series
(165) Love and other drugs
(166) No strings attached
(167) Annie Hall
(168) Whiplash
(169) The Lion King
(170) Cinema Paradiso
(171) Dr. Strangelove: How I Learned to stop worrying and start loving the bomb
(172) Paths of Glory
(173) Django Unchained
(174) Citizen Kane
(175) Reservoir Dogs
(176) Requiem for a dream
(177) Amelie
(178) Toy story
(179) Unforgiven
(180) Downfall
(181) Die Hard
(182) Pan's Labyrinth
(183) A Beautiful Mind
(184) Cinderella Man
(185) Mad Max: Fury Road
(186) Hachi: A Dog's Tale
(187) World War Z
(188) 'Pink Panther' movie series
(189) Marvel Comics Cinematic Universe
(190) DC Comics Cinematic Universe
(191) Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring
(192) Samsara
(193) සංකාරා / Sankara
(194) Crank
(195) Crank: High Voltage
(196) Gamer
(197) The Green Hornet
(198) Behind Enemy Lines
(199) Independence day
(200) Home Alone
(201) Home Alone 2: Lost in New York
(202) Home Alone 3
(203) Rocky
(204) Rocky Balboa
(205) Creed
(206) Southpaw
(207) ගැටවරයෝ / Gatavarayo

(208) රෑ දැනියෙල්, දවල් මිගෙල් - සිනමා ත්‍රිත්වය / Rae Daniel, Dawal Miguel Film Trilogy

(209) සක්විති සුවය / Sakvithi Suvaya
(210) මිල්ලේ සොයා / Mille Soya [Buongiorno Italia]
(211) ගරිල්ලා මාර්කටිං / Guerilla Marketing
(212) අග්නි දාහය / Agni Dahaya
(213) මහරජ ගැමුණු / Maharaja Gamunu
(214) සමනළ සංධ්වනිය / Samanala Sandwaniya
(215) සිකුරු හතේ / Sikuru Hathe
(216) Indiana Jones: Film series
(217) Pirates of the Caribbean: Film series
(218) Jason Bourne: Film Series
(219) V for Vendetta
(220) ඇර සොයිසා / Era Soyza
(221) Jurrasic Park / The Lost World / Jurrasic Park 3: Film trilogy

(222) Art එක - A television show specializing in the use of aesthetics in society. [Sirasa Tv]

(223) A Clockwork orange
(224) Blood Diamond
(225) 'FRIENDS' Television series
(226) 'How I Met Your Mother' Television series
(227) Enter the Dragon
(228) Fist of Fury
(229) Big Boss
(230) Lion Heart
(231) Time Cop
(232) Universal Soldier
(233) 'Walker Texas Ranger' television series
(234) The Way of the dragon
(235) Game of death
(236) 'The President's Man' film duology
(237) Lone wolf Mcquade
(238) Double Team
(239) Double Impact
(242) The Mask
(243) 'Terminator' film series
(244) Eraser
(245) 'Conan' Film series
(246) Commando  (1985) ‧ Thriller/Action ‧
(247) The Office [US] Television series
(248) Shaun of the dead
(249) Hot Fuzz
(250) The World's End
(251) Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
(252) The Rock
(253) Enemy of the state
(254) Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior
(255) Tom-Yum-Goong
(256) Rowdy Rathore
(257) 'The Raid' film series
(258) The one
(259) The ugly truth

(260) අපි නොදන්න ලයිව් (Live) [A comic television show hosted as a parody for 'television' itself][Sirasa Tv]

(261) පැංචා [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Kissyfur'][Sirasa Tv]

(262) දඟර වලිග ලප වානර [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Marsupilami'][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(263) දොස්තර හොඳ හිත [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Doctor Dolittle'(1970-1971)][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(264) පිස්සු පුසා [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Top Cat '(1961-1962)][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(265) දඟයා [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Dennis The Menace'][Sirasa Tv]

(266) සූර පප්පා [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Asterix & Obelix'][Sirasa Tv]

(267) අපි රජ ඉබ්බෝ [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(TMNT)'][Sirasa Tv]

(268) ටිං ටිං [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Tin Tin '][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(269) කව්ද බෝයි [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Lucky Luke'][Sirasa Tv]

(270) සොනික් [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Sonic The Hedgehog'(1992-1993)][Sirasa Tv]

(271) 'Biker Mice from Mars' Television cartoon series

(272) වලස් මාමා [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Beary Family'][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(273) හා හා හරි හාවා [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Bugs Bunny'][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(274) 'GI Joe' Television cartoon
(275) 'Silver Hawks' Television cartoon series
(276) 'Thundercats' Television cartoon series
(278) 'Spellbinders / මායාබන්ධන' Television Series
(279) 'Ocean Girl' Television series
(280) 'Round the Twist' Television series
(281) 'Crash Zone' Television series
(283) 'Space Cases' Television series
(284) 'The Famous Five' Television series
(285) 'William Tell' Television series
(286) 'Robin Hood (1984–1986)' Television series
(287) 'Oshin (1983)' Television series
(288) 'Knight Rider (1982–1986)' Television series
(289) 'The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson [1998-1999]'  Television series
(290) Gone Baby Gone
(291) Argo
(292) The Town
(293) Warrior
(294) The Accountant
(295) Friends with Benefits
(296) 'Lingerie' Television series (Softcore pornography) [2009]
(297) 'Rush Hour' film series
(298) There will be blood
(299) No country for old men
(300) Deep Blue Sea
(301) The Lake Placid
(302) JAWS
(303) Goodbye Christopher Robin
(304) Saving Mr. Banks

(305) දිගන්තය / 'Diganthaya' [A musical program which was hosted on Sirasa TV]

(306) රස රිසි ගී / 'Rasa Risi Gee' [A musical program which was hosted on Sirasa TV]

(307) Hindi Top 10 [A Hindi musical program which was hosted on Sirasa TV]

(308) චක්‍රායුධය / 'Chakrayudhaya' Television Series
(309) මහතලා හටන / 'Mahathala Hatana' television series
(310) Sholey
(311) 'Don' Hindi film series
(312) The Wolf of Wallstreet
(313) Million Dollar Arm
(314) Hundred-foot journey
(315) Mr. India
(316) 'එකට ගැටුම' / 'ekata gatuma' television series
(317) 'දැකැති මුවහත' / 'Dakethi Muwahatha' television series
(318) 'බෝගල සවුන්දිරිස්' / 'Bogala Sawundiris' television series
(319) 'ඉසුරුයෝගය' / 'Isuruyogaya' television series
(320) 'වසන්ත කුසලාන' / 'Wasantha kusalana' television series
(321) 'සඳගලතැන්න' / 'Sandagalathanna' television series

(322) 'සම්පත් සාදය' / 'Sampath Saadaya' - a comedy television show which was telecasted on Independent Television Network Ltd. (ITN Sri Lanka).

(323) 'අටපට්ටම' / 'Atapattama' - a television show which deals with bizarre and amazing events and items so strange and unusual that viewers of the show might question the claims which were telecasted on the show. The show is telecasted in Independent Television Network Ltd. (ITN Sri Lanka).

(324) 'දොරමඬලාව' / 'Doramadalawa' - a television show specializing in which deals with Sri Lanka's most prevalent issues. Independent Television Network Ltd. (ITN Sri Lanka) correspondents contribute segments on topics ranging from lifestyle, pop culture, business, health, and science.

(325) 9.05 - a Sri Lankan Television show telecasted on Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, founded by Hema Nalin Karunaratne / හේම නලීන් කරුණාරත්න [27 August 1962 – 5 June 2018], which deals in new events and segments of Sri Lanka that are so innovative and unusual that viewers might learn new aspects of the contemporary Sri Lankan society.

(326) 'කෙළින් කතාව' / 'kelin kathawa' - a television talk show telecasted on Sirasa TV, hosted by Kingsly Rathnayake, which interviews famous Sri Lankan public figures related to lifestyle, pop culture, business, health, and science without bias revealing contemporary social issues and also their personal perception of life and society.

(327) Zodiac
(328) Six Days, Seven Nights
(329) 'Sheena' (2000–2002) television series
(330) 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys' (1995–1999) television series
(331) 'Xena: Warrior Princess' (1995–2001) television series
(332) 'Young Hercules' TV Series (1998–1999)
(333) 'The Lost World' (TV Series 1999–2002)
(334) 'ආදරණිය වස්සානය' / 'adaraniya wassanaya' (2004)
(335) Relic Hunter - TV Series (1999–2002)
(336) BeastMaster - TV Series (1999–2002)
(337) The Adventures of Sinbad - TV Series (1996–1998)
(338) Gandhi
(339) 'Supernatural' television series
(340) 'Mind your language' television series
(341) 'The Big Bang Theory' television series
(342) 'Breaking Bad' television series
(343) 'Small Ville' Season 01 - Television series
(344) Tropic Thunder
(345) Gravity
(346) Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)
(347) The Revenant
(348) Cats and Dogs
(349) 'Scary Movie' Film series
(350) 'Harold and Kumar' film series
(351) 'Jump Street' film series
(352) The Judge
(353) Dredd
(354) The Devil's Advocate
(355) The Lunch Box
(356) Pacific Rim
(357) Tower Heist
(358) Daddy Day Care
(359) Space Jam (1996)
(360) Doctor Dolittle
(361) Dr. Dolittle 2
(362) Shrek
(363) Shrek 2
(364) Shrek the Third
(365) Shrek Forever After
(366) Police story (1985)
(367) Police story 2 (1988)
(398) Police story 3: Super Cop (1992)
(399) Police story 4: first strike (1996)
(400) New Police Story (2004)
(401) Shanghai Noon
(402) Shanghai Knights
(403) Who am I?
(404) Armor of God
(405) Armor of God 2: Operation Condor
(406) Around the world in 80 days (2004)
(407) Project A
(408) Dragons Forever (1988)
(409) City Hunter
(410) Drunken Master 2
(411) CZ12: Chinese Zodiac

(412) 'ඉසිවර හොරණෑ' / 'Isiwara Horane' -  [A comic television show hosted as a parody for Sri Lankan politics and political talk shows][Sirasa Tv]

(413) Bloodmoon (1990)

(414) Discovery Channel is an American pay television channel that is the flagship television property of Discovery, Inc., a publicly-traded company run by CEO David Zaslav.

In the first years of 'Channel Eye' [A sister channel of Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation] used to telecast documentaries of Discovery Channel. The channel's name [Channel Eye] is derived from its three focal points: Education, Youth, and Entertainment.

(415) 'හිත නිවන කතා' / 'Hitha Niwana Katha' - Poya day Buddhist teledrama series [Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(416) 'සංසාරේ පිය සටහන්' / 'Sansare Piya Satahan' - Poya day Buddhist teledrama series [Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(417) 'අන්දර වැට' / 'Andhara weta' - An anthology series is a radio, television or book series that presents a different story and a different set of characters in each episode or season.

This was an anthology television series telecasted on Independent Television Network Ltd. (ITN Sri Lanka).

(418) 'The X Files' television series
(419) 'PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal' (TV Series 1996–2000)

(420) 'රුපවලෝකන' / 'Rupawalokana' - a Sri Lankan Television show telecasted on Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation, focusing on the global and the local film scene.

(421) 'අහන්න අසයි ගයන්න' / 'Ahanna Asayi Gayanna' - [A musical television show hosted as a musical experience allowing external people to participate in competitive games hosted by a musician or a famous tv presenter][Sirasa Tv]

(422) 'සවනට වදනක්' / 'Sawanata Wadanak' - [A game show hosted with Sri Lankan celebrities and ordinary people][Sirasa Tv]

(423) 'හිනා ඊනා' / 'Hina Ina' - [A reality tv show that makes people fun in public places of Sri Lanka.][Sirasa Tv]

(424) 'ධවල යාමය' / 'Dhawala Yaamaya' - [A horror anthology television series][Sirasa Tv]

(425) 'මායා රූ' / 'Mayaa Ru' - [A horror anthology television series][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(426) Lunch Time TV - [A television show hosted in workplaces of Sri Lanka to enjoy there lunch hour of one single day with the participation of a television crew and a host][Sirasa Tv]

(427) Yes Boss / යර්ස් බොස් - [A comedy/drama television show.][Sirasa Tv]

(428) 'නෝනාවරුනි, මහත්වරුණි' / 'Nonawaruni Mahathwaruni' - [A comedy/drama television show.][Sirasa Tv]

(429) 'එතුමා'/'Ethuma' - [A comedy/drama television show.][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(430) 'පාර්ලිමන්ට් ජෝක්ස්'/'Parliament Jokes'

(431) 'ඇඟිලි සලකුණ' / 'Angili Salakuna' - [A television documetary/drama show on actual crime events of Sri Lanka][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(432) 'හතරදෙනෙක් සෙන්පතියෝ' / 'Hatharadenek Senpathiyo' Television series
(433) 'කොපි කඩේ' / 'Kopi Kade' Television series

(434) 'විදර්ශනා' / 'Widarshana' - Poya day Buddhist teledrama series [Sirasa TV]

(435) 'බඹරු ඇවිත්' / Bambaru Awith (Wasps are here)

(436) 'Cult එක / Eka' - A television show specializing in the use of aesthetics in society. [Hiru  Tv]

(437) 'මුතුහර ළමා සමාජය' රුපවාහිනී වැඩසටහන / 'Muthuhara' children's society and it's related TV show [Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(438) 'English Class For Me' Tv show [Sirasa TV]

(439) 'කුඹීච්චි' / 'Kumbichchi' [Sinhala dubbed television cartoon of 'Ferdy the Ant', a 1984 German-British children's animated television series][Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(440) 'Raja Aur Rancho' Hindi television series
(441) 'Malgudi days' Hindi television series

(442) 'මකර දඩයම' / 'Makara Dadayama' - [A detective/crime anthology television series][Sirasa Tv]

(443) Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002)
(444) 'Sesame Street' Television series
(445) 'The Muppet Show' Comedy series
(446) 'ළහිරු මඬල' children's show (ITN Sri Lanka)
(447) 'සුදු පුංචා' / 'Sudu Puncha' Children's muppet cartoons (ITN Sri Lanka)

(448) 'පංච තන්ත්‍රය' / 'Pancha Thanthraya' - Children's muppet cartoons based on fables like 'Pancha Thanthraya' (ITN Sri Lanka)

(449) 'Cartoon Network' cartoon franchise ['Samurai Jack' and 'The Tom and Jerry Show']

(450) 'Birdman and the Galaxy Trio' Cartoon series
(451) The New Adventures of Zorro (1981 TV series)
(452) 'Cool McCool' cartoon series
(453) Precious Pupp (1965 – 1967) TV series

(454) 'Sirasa Super Star' - A musical reality tv show based on searching new Sri Lankan talents to the music industry. [Sirasa Tv]

(455) 'The Hillbilly Bears' cartoon series (1965 – 1966)
(456)  Droopy: Master Detective (TV Series 1993–1994)
(457)  'Augie Doggie and Doggie Daddy' cartoon series
(458) 'Afro Samurai' tv series
(459) 'Spongebob Squarepants' Cartoon series
(460) 'World of quest' Cartoon series

(461) 'Always breakdown' / 'ඕල් වෙයිස් බ්රේක් ඩොව්න්' - A comic muppet show as a parody to contemporary politics of Sri Lanka. [TNL Tv]

(462) 'Jana Handa' / 'ජන හඬ' - A political talk show about contemporary Sri Lanka. [TNL Tv]

(463) 'The Simpsons' Television series
(464) 'Hannah Barbera' Cartoons franchise
(465) 'Looney Toons' Cartoon franchise

(466) 'මණ්ඩුක බවන' / 'Manduka Bhawana' - A stop-motion Sinhala dubbed cartoon of The Wind in the Willows (TV Series 1984–1988) [Sirasa Tv]

(467) 'ස්කුබි ඩු' / 'Scooby-Doo' - The Sinhala dubbed version of the Scooby-Doo [an American animated franchise] [Sirasa Tv]

(468) 'වැලි පිල්ල' / 'WeliPilla' - A documentary television series about contemporary Sri Lankan writers and Sri Lankan Literature [DeranaTV]

(469) 'කථා කරන පොත්' / 'Katha Karana Poth' - A documentary television series about newly issued Sri Lankan literature books. [Ada Derena 24X7]

(470) 'Franklin' Cartoon Series (1997-2004)

(471) 'The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius' Cartoon Series (1998-2006)

(472) 'Mummies, Alive!' Cartoon Series (1997)

(473) 'Street Sharks' Cartoon Series (1994 - 1997)

(474) 'Conan the adventurer' Cartoon series (1992-1993)

(475) 'King Arthur and knights of Justice' Cartoon series (1992-1993)

(476) 'Denver, the Last Dinosaur' Cartoon series (1988)

(477) 'Saber Rider & the star sheriffs' Cartoon series

(478) 'X-Men' Cartoon series (October 31, 1992 – September 20, 1997)

(479) 'Dinosaucers' Cartoon series

(480) 'Lassie' (1997 TV series) [Lassie is a Canadian television series]

(481) The Gingerbread Man - Animated series (1992)

(482) Kung Fu (Tv Series) [1972-1975]

(483) Thunderstone (1999–2000)

(484) Silversun (2004)

(485) 24 (2001–2010)

(486) Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman (1993–1997)

(487) Inspector Gadget (1983–1986)

(488) The Spooktacular New Adventures of Casper(1996–1998)
(489) Pingu (1986– )
(490) The Animals of Farthing Wood (1993–1995)
(491) Brum (1991–2002)
(492) Mr. Bean (1990–1995)
(493) 'Johnny English' film series
(494) 'Martin Mystery' (2003-2006) television series
(495) 'Totally Spies!' (2001-2014) television series
(496) 'Johnson and Friends' (1990-1995) television series
(497) 'Bananas in Pyjamas' / 'කෝලිකුට්ටු සහෝදරයෝ' (1992-2001) television series
(498) 'Art Attack' television series
(499) 'Babar' Cartoon series (1989-2000)

(500) 'Dekirukana' (できるかな) was an educational children's television show produced by NHK between 1967 and 1990. [Sinhala dubbed version was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation']

(501) 'Postman Pat' (1981-2017) television series

(502) 'Pico Pico Pong' (1991) muppet cartoon show telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation' produced in Japan.

(503) The Game
(504) The Social Network
(505) 'xXx' film series
(506) 'Riddick' film series
(507) Gone Girl
(508) The girl with the dragon tattoo
(509) The man from U.N.C.L.E.
(510) Snatch
(511) King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
(512) RocknRolla
(513) Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
(514) Top Gun
(515) Wallstreet
(516) 'Hannibal' film series
(517) Inception
(518) Dunkirk
(519) 'STAR WARS' film franchise
(520) 'HARRY POTTER' film franchise
(521) Unstoppable
(522) The taking of Pelham 123
(523) Deja Vu
(524) Spy Game
(525) Crimson tide
(526) True Romance
(527) Days of Thunder
(528) 'Blade Runner' films
(529) The Martian
(530) Body of Lies
(531) Alice in Wonderland (2010)
(532) Batman (1989)
(533) Batman Returns (1992)
(534) Edward Scissorhands
(535) Ed Wood
(536) 'Planet of the Apes' film series
(537) The Great Gatsby (2013)
(538) Bridge of Spies (2015)
(539) All is lost
(540) World War Z
(541) Philomena
(542) Wreck-it Ralph
(543) Meet Dave
(544) 'Well, Just You Wait!' cartoon series
(545) The Seventh Seal
(546) The French Connection
(547) The Ides of March
(548) Moneyball
(549) Wish Kid (TV Series 1991– )
(550) Bump in the Night (TV Series 1994–1995)
(551) Beethoven (TV Series 1994)
(552) Bobby's World (TV Series 1990–1998)
(553) Timmy Time (TV Series 2009– )
(554) Beetlejuice (TV Series 1989–1991)
(555) Mighty Ducks (TV Series 1996–1997)
(556) Tiny Toon Adventures (TV Series 1990–1995)
(557) The Shnookums & Meat Funny Cartoon Show (TV Series 1995– )
(558) Where's Waldo? (TV Series 1991)
(559) Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears
(560) Jungle Cubs (TV Series 1996–1998)
(561) Goof Troop (TV Series 1992–1993)
(562) Hugo
(563) 'සොමි බෝයිස්' / 'Somy Boys'

(564) 'කතුර' / 'Kathura' - A television comedy talk show hosted as a parody to contemporary Sri Lankan politics. [Sirasa Tv]

(565) 'America's Funniest Home Videos' TV series
(566) 'The Zack Files' (TV Series 2000–2002)

(567) 'සමාවෙන්න සර්' / 'Samaawenna sir' [A comedy/drama television show.][Sirasa Tv]

(568) 'විනිවිදීම අඳුර' / 'Vinividimi Adura' (Through the Darkness) reflected Famous Sri Lankan short stories made into an anthology teledrama series which was telecasted on ITN network.

(569) 'විරාගය' / 'Viraagaya'
(570) The 40-year-old virgin
(571) 'Kill Bill' film series
(572) The Pulp fiction
(573) Desperado
(574) The Other Guys
(575) Shaolin Soccer
(576) Blue Streak

(577) 'Sherlock hound' animated series [Sinhala dubbed version was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation']

(578) Get smart

(579) 'බෝඩිම' / 'Bodima' - A comedy / drama television series [Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(580) 'The Water Margin (1998 TV series)' [Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation]

(581) 'දූ දරුවෝ' / 'Du Daruwo' - A teledrama which was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(582) 'නෑදෑයෝ' / 'Nadayo' - A teledrama which was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(583) 'පුංචි වීරයෝ' / 'Punchi Weerayo' - A children's teledrama which was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(584) 'කීටයා' / 'Keetaya' - A detective teledrama series which was telecasted on a Sri Lankan television channel. [Can't remember the channel]

(585) 'රතු රෝස' / 'Rathu Rosa' - A teledrama which was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(586) 'දිය සුළිය' / 'Diya Suliya' - A teledrama which was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(587) 'ඉන්ගම්මාරුව' / 'Ingammaruwa' - A teledrama which was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(588) 'ඉටි පහන්' / 'Iti pahan' - A teledrama which was telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(589) 'නිවටයා' / 'Niwataya' - A comedy teledrama series which was telecasted on a Sri Lankan television channel. [Can't remember the channel]

(590) 'Anaconda' film series
(592) Amazon (TV Series 1999–2000)
(593) Alias (TV Series 2001–2006)
(594) Conan (TV Series 1997–1998)
(595) 'Fearless' (2006)
(596) Hero
(597) War
(598) 'The Expendables' Film series
(599) Jumanji (1995)
(600) Casper (1995)
(601) Stuart Little (1999)
(602) 101 Dalmatians (1996)
(603) Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves! (Video 1997)
(604) Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996)
(605) Aladdin (1994–1995)
(606) Baazigar
(607) Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge
(608) Yes Boss (1997)
(609) Ashoka the Great (2001)
(610) Devdas (2002)
(611) Veer & Zaara
(612) Billu
(613) Koyla
(614) Dil Se (1998)
(615) Army (1996)
(616) Dil to Pagal Hai
(617) Baadshah
(618) One 2 Ka 4
(619) Hum Tumhare Hain Sanam (2002)
(620) Roja (1992)
(621) Bombay (1995)
(622) Guru (2007)
(623) Ravaan (2010)
(624) Hello Brother (1999)
(625) Tees Maar Khan (2010)
(626) Padaiyappa (1999)
(627) Baba (2002)
(628) Aankhen (2002 film)
(629) Main Hoon Na (2004)
(630) 'DHOOM' film series
(631) Koi... Mil Gaya (2003)
(632) Krrish (2006)
(633) The Weather Man (2005)
(634) Collateral Damage (2002)
(635) Angels & Demons (2009)
(636) Public Enemies (2009)
(637) The LEGO movie
(638) Thanedaar (1990)
(639) Mission Kashmir (2000)
(640) Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahin (2002)
(641) Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. (2003)
(642) Plan (2004)
(643) Rudraksh (2004)
(644) Parineeta (2005)
(645) Dus (2005)
(646) Taxi No. 9211 (2006)
(647) Saajan (1991)
(648) Sultan (2016)
(649) Archie's Weird Mysteries (TV Series 1999–2000)
(650) 'Ip Man' film series
(651) Doom (2005)
(652) The Thing (1982)
(653) Hitman (2007)
(654) Street Fighter (1994)
(655) Notting Hill (1999)
(656) 'The Karate Kid' film series (1984 - 1994)
(657) Repo Men (2010)
(658) Hera Pheri (2000)
(659) Border (1997 film)
(660) Fanaa (2006)
(661) Taare Zameen Par (2007)
(662) Aks (2001)
(663) Jung (2000)
(664) Men of Honor (2000)
(665) Evolution (2001)
(666) Highlander: The Animated Series (1994 - 1996)
(667) Baby follies (TV Series 1993–1994)
(668) Avatar: The Last Airbender (2003 - 2008)
(669) Hercules (1997)
(670) Lady and the Tramp (1955)
(671) Tangled (2010)
(672) The Tourist (2010)
(673) The Legend of Korra (TV Series 2012–2014)
(674) Super 8 (2011)
(675) Kidsongs (American TV show) - [1985 - 1998]
(676) A Life Less Ordinary (1997)
(677) Real Steel (2011)
(678) Dil Chahta Hai (2001)
(679) Kismat (2004)
(680) Chor Machaaye Shor (2002)
(681) The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! - American television series (1989)
(682) Princesse Du Nil (Series) (Princess of the Nile) (1998) Cartoon Series
(683) The Arabian Nights: Adventures of Sinbad (1975 - 1976)
(684) Princess Sheherazade - French animated series (1996 - 1999)

(685) Havoc in Heaven (1961) or Monkey King Conquers the Demon {Jin hou Xiang yao} (1985) [Animation]

(686) Giju / ගිජු (Horror teledrama telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation' [1992])

(687) Face/off
(688) Viper [American TV series] [1994-1999]

(689) Anpanman / ඥාන කතා මල්ලියා [Sinhala dubbed cartoon telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation']

(690) Hotel De Kalabala / හොටෙල් ද කලබල [A comedy television series telecasted 'TNL' Sri Lanka]

(691) Lakeer – Forbidden Lines (2004)
(692) Aan: Men at Work (2004)

(693) සෙනෙහෙවන්තයෝ / Senehewanthayo [1997] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(694) හිරු කුමාරි / Hiru Kumari [1998] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(695) බෝනික්කෝ / Bonikko [1999] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(696) සත්පුර වැසියෝ  / Sathpura Wasiyo [2000]  (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(697) සුරිය දරුවෝ / Sooriya Daruwo [2002] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(698) පාරාදීසය / Paaradeesaya [2003] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(699) වසන්තය ඇවිල්ලා / Wasanthaya Awilla [2004] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(700) මම නෙමෙයි මම / Mama Nemey Mama [2005] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(701) තරු කුමාරි / Tharu Kumari [2006] (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(702) Letters from Iwo Jima (2006)

(703) සත්සර රංගන / Sathsara Rangana (A teledrama series which was telecasted on ITN network.)

(704) හැරී ඇන්ඩ් ජෙරී / Harry and Jerry (A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(705) Atlantis: The Lost Empire [2001]

(706) Super Six (2012) - Comedy / rom-com [Romantic/Comedy]

(707) One Shot [2005] - (Action)

(708) Casablanca (1942)

(709) Andhamandha Dupatha / අන්දමන්ද දුපත - A Tv show telecasted on Sirasa Tv as a parody for News and political talk shows.

(710)Gupt: The Hidden Truth 1997‧ Drama/Thriller

(711) කඩුමුණ / Kadumuna - A television series telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(712) සැරිසර / Sarisara - A television show specializing in Sri Lankan tourism and sightseeing telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'.

(713) Shark tale (2004)

(714) Red Scorpion 1988 ‧ Thriller/Action

(715) Assassins (1995)

(716) Con Air (1997)

(717) Daredevil (2003)

(718) Pain and Gain (2013)

(719) Creature (TV Mini-Series 1998)

(720) The Rats 2002 ‧ Television film/Drama

(721) 'Kimba the White Lion', 'Leo the White Lion' and  'Jungle Emperor Leo' (1997) Cartoon series

(722) 'Popeye the Sailor' Cartoon series

(723) 'Shutter Island' (2010)

(724) 'කහ ඉර පාමුල' / 'Kaha Ira Paamula' Television series (Teledrama) which was telecasted on ITN Sri Lanka.

(725) Kazaam (1996)

(726) Prabhakaran / ප්‍රභාකරන් (2008)

(727) ගාමණී / Gaamani (2011)

(728) Raju Chacha - 2000 ‧ Bollywood/Drama

(729) Some Birds Can't Fly (1997)

(730) Men in Black: The Series [Animated series] (1997 - 2001)

(731) Digimon: The Movie 2000 ‧ Fantasy/Sci-fi

(732) Pokémon: The First Movie 1998 ‧ Fantasy/Action ‧

(734) Hum Tum (2004)

(735) Extreme Ghostbusters - American animated series (1997)

(736) Ghostbusters - Animated series (1986)

(737) Ghostbusters duology (1984 and 1989)

(738) Paulie - 1998 ‧ Drama/Fantasy ‧

(739) Fly Away Home (1996)

(740) RoboCop - 1987 ‧ Crime/Sci-fi ‧

(741) RoboCop: The Series - Canadian television series - 1994

(742) Dark Angel - Television series - 2002

(743) Courage the Cowardly Dog - American animated series (1996 - 2002)

(744) Martial Law [American-Canadian comedy series] (1998 - 2000)

(745) Fastlane - American drama series - (2002 - 2003)

(746) The Atom Ant Show (TV Series 1965–1968)

(747) The Angry Beavers - American sitcom : (1997 - 2001)

(748) Secret Squirrel: TV show (1965 - 1966)

(749) Alif Laila: Indian television series (1993 - 1997)

(750) The Thief and the Cobbler - 1993 ‧ Fantasy/Adventure ‧

(751) The Huckleberry Hound Show - Animated series (1958 - 1961)

(752) Speed (1994)

(753) Speed 2: Cruise Control (1997)

(754) Alligator II: The Mutation (1991)

(755) Open Season (2006)

(756) Flushed Away (2006)

(757) Chicken Run (2000)

(758) Megamind (2010)

(759) Madagascar (2005)

(760) Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa (2008)

(761) Antz (1998)

(762) Ratatouille (2007)

(763) How to train your dragon (2010)

(764) Bee Movie (2007)

(765) Despicable Me (2010)

(766) Sherlock Holmes in the 22nd Century - American-British-French animated series (1999 - 2001)

(767) Shirt tales - TV program (1982 - 1983)

(768) Beast Machines: Transformers - American-Canadian animated series (1999 - 2000)

(769) The Legend of White Fang - Television series ( 1992 - 1994)

(770) Teen Wolf - American television series (1986 - 1987)

(771) Star Wars: Ewoks (1985 - 1986)

(772) The Care Bears Family - The Care Bears (original title) [ TV Series (1985–1988)]

(773) Dino Babies - Animated series [1994 - 1996]

(774) Deep Rising (1998)  [Sci-fi/Action]

(775) Tremors (1990)

(776) Bats 1999 ‧ Thriller/Action

(777) Tremors II: Aftershocks (1996)

(778) King Cobra (1999)

(779) Mighty Joe Young (1998)

(780) Invictus (2009)
(781) Sicario (2015)
(782) The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (2011) ‧ Action/Mystery ‧
(783) TMNT (2007) ‧ Fantasy/Sci-fi ‧
(784) Yonggary (1999) ‧ Fantasy/Sci-fi ‧
(785) තණ්හා රති රඟා / Thanha Rathi Ranga (2014) ‧ Drama/Thriller
(786) Meet the parents (2000)
(787) Meet the Fockers (2004)
(788) Little Fockers (2010)
(789) Into the Wild (2007) ‧ Drama/Adventure ‧
(790) Forrest Gump (1994) ‧ Drama/Comedy-drama ‧
(791) A Fistful of Dollars (1964) ‧ Drama/Action ‧
(792) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966) ‧ Action/Adventure ‧

(793) The 'Death' film trilogy by Alejandro González Iñárritu - [ Amores Perros (2000), 21 Grams (2003), Babel (2006)]

(794) Malèna (2000) ‧ Drama/Romance ‧

(795) Saroja / සරෝජා (2000)
(796) Punchi Suranganavi / පුංචි සුරංගනාවී (2002)
(797) Sooriya Arana / සූරිය අරණ (2004)
(798) Samanala Thatu / සමනළ තටු (2005)
(799) Siri Raja Siri / සිරි රජ සිරි (2008)
(800) Bindu / බිංදු (2009)
(801) Siri Parakum / සිරි පැරකුම් (2013)

(802) අකාල සන්ද්‍යා / 'Akaala Sandya' - A Sinhalese teledrama telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(803) රැජන  / 'Rajana' - A Sinhalese teledrama telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation'

(804) Chain Reaction (1996) ‧ Thriller/Drama ‧

(805) True Detective  | Crime, Drama, Mystery | TV Series (2014– )

(806) Millennium | Crime, Drama, Horror | TV Series (1996–1999)

(807) 28 Weeks Later (2007) ‧ Drama/Thriller ‧

(808) The Condemned (2007) ‧ Crime/Thriller ‧

(809) 'Commando' Hindi film series

(810) The Golden Compass (2007) ‧ Adaptation/Drama ‧

(811) The Tournament (2009) ‧ Thriller/Action ‧

(812) Black Knight (2001) ‧ Comedy/Adventure ‧

(813) The Grudge (2004) ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧

(814) The Interview (2014) ‧ Comedy/Action ‧

(815) Band of Brothers (2001) ‧ Drama ‧ (TV Mini-Series)

(816) My Best Friend's Wedding (1997) ‧ Romance/Rom-com ‧

(817) Contagion (2011) ‧ Thriller/Drama ‧

(818) Deep Impact (1998) ‧ Sci-fi/Drama ‧

(819) Judge Dredd (1995) ‧ Action/Sci-fi ‧

(820) The Day After Tomorrow (2004) ‧ Action/Adventure ‧

(821) Death Race (2008) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(822) Ripley's Believe It or Not! is an American franchise, founded by Robert Ripley, which deals in bizarre events and items so strange and unusual that readers might question the claims. Originally a newspaper panel, the, Believe It or Not, feature proved popular and was later adapted into a wide variety of formats, including radio, television, comic books, a chain of museums, and a book series. 

(This television show was telecasted on MTV Channel (Pvt) Ltd which is a Sri Lankan media company which owns three national television channels - Shakthi TV, Sirasa TV and TV 1. It also owns the Hit TV, News First, and The company was established in 1992 as a joint venture between Capital Maharaja and Singapore Telecommunications. Singapore Telecommunications sold its share in the company to Gregson Holdings Ltd in 1998. Later International Media Management invested in the company.)

(823) Yes Man (2008) ‧ Comedy/Rom-com ‧

(824) Barney & Friends (1992) ‧ Comedy ‧ - TV Series

(825) Raja Kaduwa / රජ කඩුව (A comedy television series telecasted on 'Sirasa Tv')

(826) Kung Pow! Enter the Fist (2002) ‧ Comedy/Martial Arts ‧

(827) 'සෙල්ලම් ගෙදර / Sellam Gedara' (An anthology teledrama series with characters played by children roleplaying as adults) [ Telecasted on ITN]

(828) The Legend of Bhagat Singh (2002) ‧ Drama/History ‧

(829) Mangal Pandey: The Rising (2005) ‧ War/Drama ‧

(830) A Walk in the Clouds (1995) ‧ Romance/Drama ‧

(831) A Walk to Remember (2002) ‧ Romance/Drama ‧

(832) Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam (1999) ‧ Romance/Musical ‧

(833) Shahenshah (1988 film)

(834) Sudo Sudu / සුදෝ සුදු ( A Sinhalese teledrama telecasted on 'Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation')

(835) Janaka Saha Manju / ජනක සහ මංජු (1978)

(833) සංක්‍රාන්ති / Sankranthi (2007)

(834) උතුවන්කන්දේ සුර සරදියෙල් / Uthuwankande Soora Saradiyel - A Sinhalese teledrama telecasted on Independent Television Network (ITN), Sri Lanka.

(835) Baby's Day Out (1994) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(836) Dennis the Menace (1993) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(837) Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani (फिर भी दिल है हिन्दुस्तानी) (2000) ‧ Bollywood/Comedy-drama ‧

(838) Rishtey (2002) | Action, Drama

(839) Dil Ka Rishta (2003) ‧ Romance/Bollywood ‧

(840) Pardes (1997) ‧ Musical/Romance ‧

(841) Super (2010) ‧ Comedy/Action ‧

(842) සිරි සිරිමල් / Siri Sirimal (Sri Lankan television series telecasted on National Rupavahini Corporation: 2007 - 2008)

(843) සිහින වසන්තයක් / Sihina Wasanthayak (Summer of Dreams) [Sri Lankan television series telecasted on Sirasa Tv: 2008 - 2009]

(844) Tron: Legacy (2010) ‧ Sci-fi/Action ‧

(845) Gulliver's Travels (2010) ‧ Family/Adventure ‧

(846) The Adventures of Gulliver (1968) ‧ Cartoon ‧ 1 season - The Sinhala dubbed version was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation' as 'ගලිවර්ගේ මුහුදු සැරිය'.

(847) 'හත් පණ' / Hath Pana - The Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation'

(848) Mortal Kombat (1995) ‧ Action/Adventure ‧

(849) Mortal Kombat: Annihilation (1997) ‧ Action/Fantasy ‧

(850) Mortal Kombat: Conquest (1998) ‧ Martial arts ‧ 1 season

(851) The Flintstones (1994) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(852) Inspector Gadget (1999) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(853) 'Felix the Cat' cartoons

Felix the Cat is a funny-animal cartoon character created in the silent film era. The anthropomorphic black cat with his black body, white eyes, and giant grin, coupled with the surrealism of the situations in which his cartoons place him, combine to make Felix one of the most recognized cartoon characters in film history.

(854) 'Betty Boop' cartoons

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures.

(855) 'Heckle and Jeckle' Cartoons 

Heckle and Jeckle are postwar animated cartoon characters created by Paul Terry, originally produced at his own Terrytoons animation studio and released through 20th Century Fox.

(856) The Marine (2006) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(857) Shree 420 (1955) ‧ Bollywood/Drama ‧

(858) 'Bonsoir' Television show

‘Bonsoir’ was born in July 1985, somewhere around the time of Bastille Day and exactly 196 years after the French Revolution. It was a program that enthralled Sri Lankan television audiences for a full quarter of a century. Its primary raison d’etre was to showcase France in all her dimensions. Well, not only the obvious French gastronomic ‘trinity’ of bread, wine, and cheese … but also her technology, her sport, her culture, her foreign relations, etc, etc, etc.

It was a ‘window to France’ on Sri Lankan television and was telecast on ITN, featuring Sri Lankans and Sri Lankan events who had some kind of a link with France. ‘Bonsoir’ was a fine example of a healthy and fruitful co-operation between the French Foreign Ministry, the French Embassy in Colombo, and ITN. With Sri Lankans having absolutely no access to the internet and cable TV at that time, ‘Bonsoir’, did enrich the local viewing experience and successfully played its pre-determined role of bringing France into Sri Lankan sitting rooms.

Bonsoir finally wound up at the end of 2010. It has however left behind an indelible memory with the thousands who literally grew up with it. Now I retrospect, I’m very happy that I too was part of that formidable team which contributed to Bonsoir’s success on Sri Lankan television.

"The Bonsoir Diaries' in The Nation every Sunday through 2012, brings to life little known facts of Bonsoir, the 'making of', and its colorful journey through Sri Lankan television.

(859) 'කරුවල ගෙදර' / 'Kaluwara Gedara' - The Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'Independent Television Network (ITN)'

(860) 'භාවත්‍රා' / 'Bhavathra' - The Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation'

(861) 'සබඳ පබිලිස්' / 'Sabanda Pabilis' The Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation'

(862) The Ice Harvest (2005) ‧ Comedy/Drama ‧ 

(863) Bluffmaster! (2005) ‧ Comedy/Bollywood ‧

(864) Space Cowboys (2000) ‧ Adventure/Drama ‧

(865) ALF (1986) ‧ Sitcom ‧

(866) කොළඹ සන්නිය / Kolamba Sanniya (1976) ‧ Comedy - Kolamba Sanniya is a 1976 Sinhalese language comedy film directed by Manik Sandrasagara that follows the lives of middle and upper-class people in rural and urban Sri Lanka.

(867) Atomic Twister (2002) ‧ Disaster/Action

(868) Volcano (1997) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(869) The Lake (1998) ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧

(870) Doctor Zhivago (1965) ‧ Romance/War ‧

(871) Oliver! (1968) ‧ Musical/Drama ‧

(872) The Sound of Music (1965) ‧ Musical/Family ‧

(873) District 9 (2009) ‧ Sci-fi/Action ‧

(874) Mary Poppins (1964) ‧ Musical/Family ‧

(875) The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) ‧ Fantasy/Adventure ‧

(876) National Treasure (2004) ‧ Adventure/Action ‧

(877) National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007) ‧ Adventure/Action ‧

(878) Ira Madiyama (August Sun) (Sinhala: ඉර මැදියම) (2005)

(879) Death on a Full Moon Day (පුරහඳ කළුවර) (1997) ‧ Drama ‧

(880) Tycus (1998) ‧ Sci-fi/Disaster ‧

(881) Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005) ‧ Action/Romance ‧

(882) Salt (2010) ‧ Action/Mystery ‧

(883) Fighting (2009) ‧ Action/Drama ‧

(884) Primeval (2007) ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧

(885) Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001) ‧ Action/Adventure ‧

(886) The Island (2005) ‧ Sci-fi/Action ‧

(887) 'The Chronicles of Narnia' film series

(888) The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) ‧ Fantasy/Family ‧

(889) 'Transformers' Film series

(890) A Simple Plan (1998) ‧ Thriller/Crime ‧
(891) Gremlins (1984) ‧ Horror/Fantasy ‧

(892) Monk (2002) ‧ Crime ‧

(893) Sangharsh (1999) ‧ Thriller/Bollywood ‧

(894) So Close (2002) ‧ Action/Martial Arts ‧

(895) Your Highness (2011) ‧ Comedy/Adventure ‧

(896) The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep (2007) ‧ Family/Fantasy ‧

(897) The Adventures of Pinocchio (1996) | Adventure, Drama, Family

(898) Basic (2003) ‧ Thriller/Action ‧

(899) Adventureland (2009) ‧ Comedy/Drama ‧

(900) Fluke (1995) ‧ Family/Drama ‧

(901) The Warrior's Way (2010) - Action, Fantasy, Western

(902) Clash of the Titans (2010) | Action, Adventure, Fantasy |

(903) Wrath of the Titans (2012) | Action, Adventure, Fantasy | 

(904) Carnosaur (1993) ‧ Sci-fi/Horror ‧

(905) Napoleon (1995) ‧ Family/Adventure ‧

(906) The Breakfast Club (1985) ‧ Comedy/Drama ‧

(907) Lajja (2001) ‧ Drama/Drama ‧

(908) Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi (2008) ‧ Romance/Bollywood ‧

(909) Isuru Bhavana / ඉසුරු භවන - The Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation' 

(910) Miss Congeniality (2000) ‧ Comedy/Action ‧

(911) Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(912) Paul (2011) ‧ Comedy/Sci-fi ‧

(913) Troy (2004) ‧ War/Action ‧

(914) Kalu sudu antharaya / කළු සුදු අන්තරය - [A television documentary/drama show on actual crime events of Sri Lanka] [The Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'Independent Television Network (ITN)]

(915) Roswell (1999) ‧ Sci-fi ‧

(916) The Woody Woodpecker Show (1957) ‧ Comedy ‧

(917) The Pink Panther Show (1969) ‧ 17 seasons

(918) Mysterious Island (1995) ‧ Drama ‧ 1 season

(919) Stargate (1994) ‧ Sci-fi/Adventure ‧ 

(920) Pitaah (2002) ‧ Drama/Action ‧   

(921) Street Kings (2008) ‧ Thriller/Action ‧

(922) Chaos (2005) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(923) Set It Off (1996) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(924) Takers (2010) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(925) Hostage (2005) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(926) Krodh (2000) ‧ Bollywood/Drama ‧

(927) Disturbia (2007) ‧ Thriller/Drama ‧

(928) පාන් බට්ටා / Paan Batta [Sri Lankan television series telecasted on Sirasa Tv]

(929) කුමාරයාණෙනි / Kumarayaneni [Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation']

(930) Le Kiri Kandulu (Blood, Milk, and Tears) (Sinhala: ලේ කිරි කඳුළු) (2003)

(931) Praveena / ප්‍රවීණා [ A Sinhala dubbed version of a Hindi soap opera telecasted on Sirasa TV]

(932) Maha Gedara / මහ ගෙදර [A Sinhala dubbed version of a Hindi soap opera Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi telecasted on Sirasa TV]

Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi (English: Because a mother-in-law was once a daughter-in-law, too) is an Indian soap opera that aired from 3 July 2000 to 6 November 2008 on Star Plus. The entire series is available on Hotstar. The show was co-produced by Shobha Kapoor and Ekta Kapoor under their banner Balaji Telefilms.

The show revolved around an ideal daughter-in-law Tulsi Virani, the daughter of a pandit married to the grandson of rich business tycoon Govardhan Virani. The role of the protagonist Tulsi Virani was played by Smriti Irani.

(933) Shanthi / ශාන්ති [ A Sinhala dubbed version of a Hindi soap opera starring Mandira Bedi telecasted on Sirasa TV]

(934) Pragathi / ප්‍රගති [ A Sinhala dubbed version of a Hindi soap opera starring Mandira Bedi telecasted on Sirasa TV]

(935) පබා / Paba [ A Sinhala soap opera telecasted on 'Independent Television Network (ITN)]

(936) බට්ටි / Batti [ A Sinhala soap opera telecasted on 'Independent Television Network (ITN)]

(937) මනෝකාය / Manokaya [Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation']

(938) දාමණි / Damani [ A Sinhala soap opera telecasted on 'Sirasa Tv']

(939) කින්දුරන්ගනා / Kindurangana (2007) ‧ Romance - Kindurangana is a 2007 Sri Lankan drama television series telecast on Sirasa TV on 2007. This television series was inspired by Hindi soap opera "Kasamh Se".

(940) Unknown (2011) ‧ Thriller/Action ‧

(941) Taken (2008) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧ 

(942) Spiders (2000) ‧ Horror/Sci-fi ‧

(943) 'Under Siege' duology

(944) The Patriot (1998) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(945) The Mask: Animated Series (1995) ‧ Animation ‧ 2 seasons

(946) Hero and the Terror (1988) ‧ Action/Action Thriller ‧

(947) Blown Away (1994) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(948) Witness (1985) ‧ Crime/Thriller ‧

(949) Boys (2003) ‧ Romance/Drama ‧

(950) Mr. Murder (1998) | Crime, Sci-Fi, Thriller

(951) The Proposal (2009) ‧ Romance/Comedy ‧

(952) Babe (1995) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(953) The Campaign (2012) ‧ Comedy/Satire ‧

(954) Forest Warrior (1996) ‧ Adventure/Fantasy ‧

(955) Eragon (2006) ‧ Fantasy/Adventure ‧

(956) Sucker Punch (2011) ‧ Action/Fantasy ‧

(957) Stardust (2007) ‧ Adventure/Fantasy ‧

(958) Aba / අබා (2008) ‧ History/Drama ‧

(959) Anjalika / අංජලිකා (2006) ‧ Romance

(960) Hiripoda Wassa (හිරිපොද වැස්ස) (2006) ‧Romance ‧

(961) They Nest (2000) ‧ Horror/Sci-fi ‧

(962) HeliCops – Einsatz über Berlin (1998) ‧ 3 seasons

(963) Team Knight Rider (1997) ‧ Action fiction ‧ 1 season

(964) Kaal (2005) ‧ Thriller/Bollywood ‧

(965) Raaz (2002) ‧ Horror/Romance ‧

(966) Raat (1992) ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧

(967) Source Code (2011) ‧ Sci-fi/Thriller ‧

(968) Rosa Wasanthe / රෝස වසන්තේ  (2001)

(969) Disappearance (2002) ‧ Thriller/Horror ‧

(970) Daybreakers (2009) ‧ Horror/Sci-fi ‧

(971) Juno (2007) ‧ Comedy/Drama ‧

(972) Eagle Eye (2008) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(973) Superhero Movie (2008) ‧ Comedy/Action ‧

(974) John Carter (2012) ‧ Sci-fi/Adventure ‧

(975) Krishna Cottage (2004) ‧ Horror/Thriller ‧

(976) Vadh (2002) Mystery, Thriller |

(977) Fiza (2000) | Action, Crime, Drama | 

(978) Zinda (2006) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(979) She's the Man (2006) ‧ Romance/Comedy ‧

(980) Wedding Crashers (2005) ‧ Comedy/Romance ‧

(981) The Hot Chick (2002) ‧ Comedy/Teen ‧

(982) Scooby-Doo (2002) ‧ Mystery/Mystery ‧

(983) Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004) ‧ Family/Mystery ‧

(984) Elaan (2005) ‧ Thriller/Action ‧

(985) 13 (2010) ‧ Thriller/Drama ‧

(986) The Jackal (1997) ‧ Action/Thriller ‧

(987) The Day of the Jackal (1973) ‧ Thriller/Drama ‧

(988) The Incredibles (2004) ‧ Animation/Family ‧ 

(989) Wasudha / වසුදා - A Sinhala soap opera telecasted on 'Sirasa TV'.

(990) Courage Under Fire (1996) ‧ War/Drama ‧

(991) 30 Minutes or Less (2011) | Action, Comedy, Crime |

(992) Due Date (2010) ‧ Comedy/Road ‧

(993) The Running Man (1987) ‧ Action/Sci-fi ‧

(994) Twin Dragons (1992) ‧ Comedy/Martial Arts ‧

(995) Hatya (1988) ‧ Bollywood/Thriller ‧

(996) Walking Tall (2004) ‧ Action/Action/Adventure ‧

(997) Matilda (1996) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(998) Next (2007) ‧ Action/Sci-fi ‧

(999) Red Planet (2000) ‧ Sci-fi/Adventure ‧

(1000) Mentors - TV Series (1998–2005)

(1001) Alien Nation is a 1988 American buddy cop neo-noir science fiction action film.

(1002) Chamatkar (1992)

(1003) Ultraviolet (2006) ‧ Action/Sci-fi ‧

(1004) Baddegedara / බැද්දේගෙදර - [Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation']

(1005) Wanawadule Wasanthaya / වනවදුලේ වසන්තය [Sinhala teledrama was telecasted on 'National Rupavahini Corporation']

(1006) Smart House (TV Movie)  (1999)

(1007) Timeline (2003) ‧ Sci-fi/Action ‧

(1008) Dunston Checks In (1996) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(1009) The Losers (2010) ‧ Action/Superhero ‧

(1010) The Parent Trap (1998) ‧ Family/Comedy ‧

(1011) Valentine (2001) ‧ Horror/Slasher ‧

(1012) Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1990) ‧ Cartoon ‧ 5 seasons

(1013) Action Man (1995) ‧ Adventure ‧

(1014) Project: Shadowchaser (1992-1996 Film Series)

(1015) Legacy of the Silver Shadow (2002) ‧ Children's television series ‧ 1 season

(1016) Woof! (TV Series 1989–1997)

(1017) RED (2010)

(1018) Step back in time and relive the nostalgia of the 1990s with the legendary Doordarshan Marshal Serial! This iconic Indian crime drama series, originally aired on Doordarshan, captured the hearts of millions with its thrilling stories, gripping mysteries, and unforgettable characters. 

Join us on a journey down memory lane as we revisit the world of Inspector Abhimanyu, the fearless protagonist dedicated to upholding justice in a crime-ridden city. 

In each episode of Marshal, viewers were treated to a new crime to solve, a new puzzle to unravel, and a new villain to apprehend. The series combined suspense, action, and drama in a way that kept audiences on the edge of their seats, making it a beloved classic that has stood the test of time.

(1019) Magnolia (1999)


Polwatte, D. (2017). 14 - Attitude. [Blog] 3rd World. Available at: (Accessed date: 8/7/2018).

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