Saturday, December 18, 2021


(01) 2016 : year of evolution and revolution

(02) Colombo lights : Prose

(03) Memories in the bus stand

(04) Scarecrow

(05) The boarding / The Apartment

(06) Transition - Fantasy to reality

(07) Addiction

(08) Transition 2 - Socialism to capitalism (50 : 50)

(09) The break-up anniverssary

(10) How to be in love from one-side?

(11) How to listen to your heart?


(12) බෝධිසත්ව 

(13) අඹයා - A Bad Day 

(14) ප්‍රතිබිම්බය 

(15) මිතුරා සහ හතුරා 

(16) නින්ද 

(17) සිහින හැර යාම.

(18) 25,000 /-

(19) අමුතු බෝඩි0කාරයා (MAD Scientist)

(20) හැමදාම එතන 

(21) දියුණුවේ රහස 

(22) ඔබ....ඔබයි.

(23) චරිතාපධානය (පිස්සු)

(24) තීන්ත ඉවරයි.

(25) බිඳීම (Sci-Fi)

(26) Txt (Sci-Fi)

(27) Harvestor 

(28) The Funeral (Sci-Fi)

(29) Nope/Yep 

(30) Mind Map : Test Run (Sci-Fi) [glitch - documentary] Beta V.01 report type 

(31) Breaking (Sci-Fi)


(32)  A review on a porn : redux

(Lingerie / Guilty pleasure / Softcore / Full Nudity / Celebrity Nudes / Sensuality / Addiction / K9 online protector / Love and sex / Hardcore pop ups / Greek art on public sex between a nymph and satyr)

(33) The struggle is real

(34) Into the core

(35) Moral Justice

(36) Why I need girls / women / femininity in my life ?

(35) Fragility

(36) අතිශයින්ම වැඩිහිටියන්ට පමණයි. (Redux)

(37) Making a living

(38) සාහිත්‍යා : ඇ තාම තරුණයි.

(39) නිද්‍රාශීලි කාමාතුරයා සහ ඔහුගේ පරිසර වර්ණනය 

(40) Sex addict and his romanticism 

(41) සිල්ගත් යක්ෂයා 

(42) Meet my demons 

(43) නින්ද සහ කාමය 

(44) මස් වැද්දා 

(45) පුනරුදය : SAITM / ව්‍යවස්ථා සංශෝධන / විල්පත්තු / ETCA / රෝහින්ගයා / T.B. Fraud Scam investigations 

(46) Marketing Communism / අලෙවිකරණය සහ කොමියුනිස්ට්වාදය 

(47) ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී සමාජවාදී 

(48) Democratic Socialist 

(49) Immature Sexuality, philosophy and accounting 

(50) අස්වාභාවික ලිංගිකත්වය හා දාර්ශනිකයාගේ විගණනය 

(51) මම සහ සිනමාව 

(52) මාගේ දේශපාලන මතවාදය 

(53) දෙමාපිය උරුමය 

(54) පාළු මම 

(55) දැනුම මිනුම සහ භාවිතය 

(56) නින්ද, කාමය සහ සිහින 

(57) Curiosity

(58) කුතුහලය 

(59) Mixed 

(60) Chasing Dimantha 

(61) My impact to the world 

(62) Lonely me 

(63) Blind artist and his vision to life 

(64) Photographer 

(65) Wearing paper

(66) බෙලහීනයගේ ප්‍රේමය 

(67) Impotent Love 

(68) විලාපය 

(69) Screaming out loud

(70) තුන්වන සික්ශාපදය හා ස්වයංවින්දනය 

(71) සුසංයෝග 

(72) වැව් බැම්මේ වීරයා 

(73) දුවිලි 

(74) Dust 

(75) ළමා දේශපාලඥයා ඔහුගේ ප්‍රකට හා අප්‍රකට කථා 

(76) යක්ෂයාගේ පරිණාමය 

(77) යක්ෂයාගේ විකාශණය 

(78) එකතු කිරීමට ඇති ආශාව හා භෞතික සම්පත්වල සතුට 

(79) තනිකම හා මානසික සතුට ( මමත්වය 2)

(80) සුවඳ (Scent and Perfume)

(81) Bully and Bullied 

(82) දිනපොත් හා මාගේ මානසිකත්වය කාළය සමඟ ගැලපීම 

(83) Diaries and my times of life 

(84) බෞද්ධ සංකල්පයන් ප්‍රයෝගිකව භාවිතය 

- තැගි දීම තුළින් මෛත්‍රිය වැඩිම.

- හඬ නගා ධාර්මික කරුණු කීම.

- තම වේදනාවන් තමා තුළ රඳවා ගැනීම.

(85) මගේ පවුල සහ මම

(86) මගේ ආච්චිලා සහ සීයලා 

(87) අධ්‍යාපනයට ඇති අසාත්මිකතාවය 

(88) ස්ත්‍රියට ඇති ආශාව කායිකව පමණක්ද?

(89) පශ්චාත් නූතන බෞද්ධයා හා සිංහලයා 

(90) සිංහල හා හින්දු අළුත් අවුරුද්ද 

(91) නුතන ශ්‍රී ලාංකිකයා සතුව ඇති අභියෝගය 

(91.1) අතීතය ගුරුවරයකි. (ණයබර, විප්ලව, සිවිල් යුද්ධ)

(91.2) වර්තමානය තෑග්ගකි. (නිදහස් අධ්‍යාපනය, නිදහස් සෞඛ්‍යය, රාජ්‍ය සේවය)

(91.3) අනාගතය අභියෝගයකි. (ණය, සංස්කෘතික පරිහාණිය, ජාතිකවාදී බව)

(92) The Challenge of the modern Sri Lankan (Past, Present, and future)

(93) Allergy to education 

(94) Strictly physical 

(95) Post modern Sinhalese and buddhists 

(96) Confessions 

(97) කාමාතුරයකුගේ ආත්මකථනය 

(98) ලඳක්.......

(99) භාෂාව සහ නිහැඬියාව 

(100) Sleeping into reality 

(101) Villain at heart / දුෂ්ඨ 

(102) සාහිත සේසත 

(103) Father / තාත්තා (දේශපාලකයකුගේ කතාව)

(104) ද්විමාන, ත්‍රිමාණ 

(105) පැවැත්ම, බවය හා මානසික පාවීම 

(106) තාත්තාගේ පවුල හා අම්මාගේ පවුල 

(107) ගමන සුභයි, ජය නියතයි. (ශ්‍රී ලාංකීය දේශපාලනය, අලෙවිකරණය හා මහජනතාව)

(108) ජීවිතය විහිලුවක්ද ? ( මාගේ ජීවිතය සහ මා අවට ඇති අනෙක් ජීවිත )

(109) අස්වාභාවික ජිවිතයක් ( කම්මැලිකම, මනෝ භාවයන්, සිහින, සිහිය පවත්වාගත නොහැකි වීම, ස්ත්‍රිය පහත් කොට සැලකීම, අසමාන්‍ය සාහිත්‍ය හා චිත්‍ර, සැපට හා දුකට ඔරොත්තු දීම.)

(110) Infertile love 

(111) Unnatural 

(112) ඇය 

(113) ස්ත්‍රිය 

(114) ඈ 

(115) කත 

(116) ගැහැණිය 

(117) කාන්තාව 

(118) බුන්වත් හදවත 

(119) අසාමාන්‍ය කතාන්දරයක් 

(120) අසම්පුර්ණ කවියක් 

(121) අසමාන නීතිය 

(122) අවලස්සන හිතක් 

(123) රූපය 

(124) 'අ' සාධකය 

(125) ඔබ අවට ඇති සමාජය ගැන අවම වශයෙනුත් තමා ගැන වැඩි වශයෙනුත් සිතිය යුත්තේ ඇයි?

(126) සමාජවාදී පොත් ප්‍රකාශන හා ඒවායේ මිල ගණන් 

(127) නිර්වින්දනය වූ මනසක් හා සිතුවිලි 

(128) අසමමිතික චිත්‍රයක් 

(129) අවිනිශ්චිත තීරණයක් 

(130) මාගේ දේශය අවධිකරනු මැන පියාණනි......

(131) FAN - My family and their fandom 

(132) දෝංකාරය 

(133) අහේතුක 

(134) අන්ධයාගේ සිහින 

(135) මාගේ දෘෂ්ඨි විතානය 

(136) Journey of Dimantha 

(137) A very curious and unsound mind 

(138) I love the feeling 

(139) අසමතුලිත ආර්ථිකය 

(140) Schizophrenia (Biography) : A Cricketer 

(141) කබලිගේ විහිලුව / Jokes of Celebrities in politics 

(142) පිං පොත් භාවිතය, අපේ ගෙදර 

(143) විරැකියාවෙන් පෙලෙන මා පොත් සොයා ගිය ගමන ( 2018/02/09 මරදාන, නුගේගොඩ, Liberty Plaza, Majestic City )

(144) ඩිජිටල් වනයේ ශ්‍රී ලා0කිකයෝ : In Search of Sri Lankans in the world wide web 

- Reviewer of  Mohan Raj Madawala 


- Plan B [Eric E.]

- කාලය 

- තිෂු 

- David Blacker 

- B D S Jeyaraj 

- Son of the morning light 

(145) Why does history (Research, Study, and Conservation) matter?

(146) Why environment (Research, study, and Conservation) matter?

(147) Why does art (Research, study, and Conservation) matters?

(148) කළමනාකරණය හා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ භාවිතය / Management and the usage in Sri Lanka 

(149) Accounting and the usage in Sri Lanka / ගිණුම්කරණය හා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ භාවිතය 

(150) කාමය සහ විශේෂණ පද (Adjectives) [උන්නති කාමය, අතීත කාමය, විකෘති කාමය]

(151) ජීවන මායාව (අපි දෙයක් සිදු කරන්නේ මන්ද?)

(152) සභ්‍යත්ව මායාව (Wolf / Playboy)

(153) ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, සිංගප්පුරුව හා ලෝකය 

(154) ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, තායිලන්තය හා ලෝකය 

(155) ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, චීනය හා ලෝකය 

(156) ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, ඔස්ට්‍රේලියාව හා ලෝකය 

(157) ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, ඇමරිකාව හා ලෝකය 

(158) ශ්‍රී ලංකාව, මැලෙසියාව හා ලෝකය 

(159) සීනි බෝල කටයුතු [ Marvel, DC, Transformers, F & F ]

(160) වචන සහ භෞතිකය 

(161) සාහිත්‍යය ප්‍රතිරෝධය 

(162) කෘර මිතුරාගේ ආදරණීය ඉල්ලීම 

(163) ස්වයංකතන කියන්නේ මුලාවක්ද?

(164) PiSS! ( A dark, disgusting, haunting, crude, raw, experimental vision of oral sex )

- ගම්පහ ඡයාරූපකරණය 

- කාමය, සාරාගය හා අලි0ගනයේ ඇති රසය 

- Mysticism of Buddhism ( A Critical analysis of fundamentalism of Buddhism ) 

(165) ටෙලිවිෂන් එක (The TV)

(166) මැරියන් කළු..... මැරියන් 

(167) පොත් පිස්සුව (2017/18)

(168) නපුරා, හරකා, කම්මැලියා හා කපටියා ( මම ගැන අනිත් අය කියන කතා )

(169) Movenpick (100/- ice cream)

(170) Deli Market (Cost)

(171) Expense on food (is it actually worth it ?)

(172) Is heroism, egoism ? [ Bravery matters. But without a result is it just useless ego. ]

(173) සිනිඳු නැත මගේ හද, එය තරමක් විෂකුරුය. දරන්නට පුළුවන්ද, වේගෙන් එන ඒ ඊතලය...... [ දිමන්තගේ වචන ඉතාම ගුප්තයි. ඒ වගේම ව්‍යකුලයි. සැරයි ] 

(174) නුතන සාහිත්‍ය හා සිංහල රසිකයා [ Analysis ]

(175) Schizrophenia : A biography 

(176) යථාර්තය නිර්වචනය කිරීම, ධනාත්මක චින්තනය හා එහි පැවතිය හැකි සෘණාත්මක ආකල්පමය හා සමාජීය පරිහාණිය 

(177) වාණිජ සිනමාවේ ප්‍රමිතකරණය හා එහි අවශ්‍යතාවය 

(178) සංසරණය කිරීම මගේ සිතුවිලි ඔබට........

(179) පරිභෝජනය හා රසාස්වාදනය 

(180) කාම කතා, රූප හා වීඩියෝ 

(181) Auto -Focus 

(182) ටූ පීස් / Two Piece 

(183) ග්‍රැෆික්ස් වලින් පෙන්නීම.

(184) ශබ්දය හා රසවාදය 

(185) Digital Buddhist / ඩිජිටල් බෞද්ධයා 

(186) Poet in the deathbed 

(187) Devil and my life 

(188) A Sense of Evil

(189) Mayhem of the mind

(190) Consumption of the aesthetics and appreciation

(191) Political heroes and the strategy of power

(192) Whatever occurs the chain leads to sadness of humanity

(193) මගේ මතක මට දෙන්න (Memory bank)

(194) Digital content filtering : Next mission - Digital waste destroys time, space and even changes minds into negativity

(195) සමිත සහ හොලිඳු අයියා 

          නදින් සහ ශමින් අයියා 

          * හතරදෙනා මතක් කිරීම.

(196) වේදනාව දැරීමට හුරුවීම සහ මමත්වය 

(197) ඉන්දියාවේ වල් බල්ලා සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ වල් බල්ලා 

(198) පුස්තකාලය ( පොදු සහ පෞද්ගලික )

(199) 'ඝරසරප' හා 'ද ප්‍රෙඩටර්' (The Predator)



Friday, October 29, 2021

Dreamers won't last long by dimapolard - Pola_rized


I hear the echoes........echoes in my head, hurtling inside me. It pulls me outside. The outside vibration breaks through barriers me my usual message.

"Wake's 4.30 in the morning."

It's my alarm. My morning companion.

I slowly send my hand and off him. 

"Off you go buddy..... duty is over." It's the instincts.

My eye's haven't opened yet. They need time. Slowly and gently I open them.

The blur effect in front of my hud takes time to generate it's textures, locales, and details. As the graphic generation completes my small tiny world is in front of me.

I can see the posters of my school, my favorite band, blah blah. Outsourced graffiti.

I can see my PC, my wardrobe, table and etc. which is owned by the narrator.

Everything is Pitch Black except for my glow-in-the-dark clock which shows 4.45 A.M.

Suddenly the lights on. Like a clockwork, mother brings my morning tea with her usual beautiful smile and keeps it in the table. I always used to praise my mother's smile with my friends. What they said was "You lack hormones" man. I didn't cared.

but as I jumped out of my bed and went to the bathroom. Some of the facts about "hormones" seems to arouse. What I always feel is why I spent such a lot of time inside the bathroom. I believe in censorship. Even for myself I believe in privacy. I sold out my soul for a little joy for a few moment. But after a wash and everything I feel new again. My hud is not gloomy now. It's like wearing Night vision goggles. I feel so mentally alive.

Within a flash I'm in my uniform having tea.

I walk outside from my room! the world awaits with more responsibilities and challengers. I always felt what if I can just live the first half and hours of my day over and over.......WOW.

I see my mother with my lunch packet. I worship her before I leave to school. I put my lunch inside my bag as I hear the school van honking its horn. My father works in a bank as an auditor. He might have left already. Though I was the only child of my family my parents who are both employed since when I was very small didn't pay attention to me that much. 

These complicated undetermined thoughts rallied to my head for a while till I was walking to the van.

My school van is another social community that I have being knowing from a long time. There are students of very different ages who go to different schools. There are people of both sexes. I didn't like the girls. 

I know why? It's probably because they were taller and good-looking and always seem to be by themselves. 

What I do in the van is sit near a window and observe the morning glory. 

I really use to fall in love with the first sight on beautiful girls in awesome vehicles.

I felt carried away sometimes.

But those feelings kept me alive. Kept me breathing. Man.....

What am I...........

As I walked after dropped near the School I said one of fellow mates in the van that I will take the bus after school. As I kept walking in to my school and sat in my chair and keeping my things on the table my mind really requires a rest. Man...... Time is soo slow...... It's like sometimes spending years.....and sometimes spending miliseconds. I was always lost in the illusion of time loosing the grasp of the real world. Thinking.....letting my mind rule my empire....let him seek his desires while my real life responsibilities left aside. I know......I have to do something.........

I take a deep breath............

Trying understand what was I doing with my entire life.

Or was I Still dreaming and am I still in my bed.............

Sometimes I feel where the hell am I...........................


The Fascist [ A Short Story ]

 A Fascist is a follower of fascism.

Fascism is a form of radical, right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy, which came to prominence in early 20th-Century Europe.

"Kadda" is a modern Sinhalese colloquial word reflecting the meaning "English Language".

"Kadda", the word is a strong reflection of the fear towards "English language", especially among the Sinhalese people of Sri Lanka.

In the "sketch" for the "kadda" language short story [ I have used these Sinhalese colloquial words purposely to arouse a modern use of language among the new generation especially Sinhalese ] many aspects like character arcs, the atmosphere of the story, and some of the dramatization effects were included back in 2010 prior to the writing of the short story.

"The Fascist" short story's incident occurs in an old English bungalow in the hill country of Sri Lanka.

It is a discussion among two characters related to a concentration camp about a moderation in a business transaction to benefit both sides of the business contract by making several amendments to the relevant deal.

In this 'sketch' for the short story back in 2010 I have used the Sinhala word "eka", which reflects the Sinhala word "එක", meaning "number one" or "that thing". It was clearly a manipulation of language to arouse the reader's mind with a local (Sri Lankan) touch. Actually, the sketch was a personal reference document. Therefore many colloquial Sinhalese words were used as personal motivators to move with the short story assignment positively.

Characteristics of the atmosphere related to the short story "The Fascist"

* Top notch, glossy sorrounding, '1940' style architecture. [ A special office for 'the general']


This short story will not depict a time period. It is a story that has an eternal theme among humanities.


The story is a short discussion on canceling the cost-cutting methods introduced by the general on war against a revolution.

As it makes Mr. Nimal, the negotiator run out of business.

But the general disagrees.

The general is a patriot of course a great soldier. A man of his word.

But not a very good human.

Runs a war and concentration camps for a very low cost.

- Fucking hysterical - (Dramatization effects)


Mr. Nimal Wijenayake is an opportunist and a talented businessman.

A very good consumer.

- Takes his moves on his opponent.

[ Like taking a hamper to the general with his favourite chocolates, alcohol and etc. A special fruit basket containing 'dragon fruit'.]

- The general is kind of a sick person (health wise he has identified sicknesses.)


Consumer patterns / consumerism / Character's life

The General

-> A very rich General though he runs concentration camps for every govt. for there wants based on the current or future political and social stability.

* Uses a lot of medicinal drugs

- Insulin (diabetese)
- Piriton (Can't sleep)
- Inhales for wheezing

* He has a personal nurse who attends to his illness.

* Loves beethoven. [ Have a MP4 (During chosen killings at the camp) and a Gramaphone ] 

* Pictures of M. Sarlis and Greek Statues [Antiquities in his office]

* Collects weapons and ammunition

* Loves chocolate [ Got to find a 'brand']

* A strong buddhist [ A very deep fact ]

* Good family life [ two daughters ]

* Hate to be in public

Mr. Nimal Wijenayake

* Has a best Mercedez - Benz, lives in Colombo 07, has a Blackberry phone. [Not to be mentioned, but to be described.]

* Has a very young son.

* Runs very high-end client base businesses. (Mostly credit basis) [ Which is the reason scares him the most about loosing business.]

* Married twice.

* Likes to hang around in big hotels, casinos

* A talented stock market trader

* Has other loss makng businesses to cover up his "weapon dealing".

* Catering

* Advertising

* Wedding design

* Antique shops

* Lifestyle  based mostly

* Never sucked @ business ( He loves to be in the 'Monopoly' )

* A famous public figure in Sri Lanka

* Funds dramatists


+ Sorry for adding family life among consumerism. Not my personal attitude. And personally I do not accept of this life style.


+ Sketch on the location of the relevant short story occured during the incident described.


+ Sorrounding : Up country of Sri Lanka

+ The camp is very old. Used for govt.'s bidding

+ 5S concept is used @ the camp.

+ Planned to be transformed into an intelligence agency.

[ Now itself as the general himself ] [ A one man army.]


Influences to 'The Fascist'


(01) ලොව මවිත කළ හිට්ලර් 

(02) ඒකාධිපති හිටලර් 


(01) Enemy at the gates

(02) Saving private ryan

(03) Flags of our fathers

(04) Letters from Iwo Jima

(05) Paths of Glory

(06) Inglorious basterds

(07) A clockwork orange

(08) Shutter Island

(09) Sherlock Homes (2010)

(10) Sherlock Homes : A game of shadows (2012)

(11) The hateful eight

(12) Django unchained

(13) මචං 

(14) ගින්නෙන් උපන් සීතල 

(15) Resident Evil

(16) Alien Vs. Predator

(17) Schindler's list

(18) The pianist

(19) Barry Lyndon

(20) Apocalypse now

(21) Full Metal Jacket

(22) Platoon

(23) මාතා 

(24) ගාමණී 

(25) Reservoir Dogs 

(26) Dr. Strangelove 

(27) ප්‍රභාකරන් 

(28) Limitless 

(29) The thin red line 


'පැසිස්ට්වාදියාගේ මනුස්සකම' කෙටි කතාව ගැන කෙටි සටහනක්.......

මෙම කෙටි කතාව මා විසින් ප්‍රථමයෙන්ම කෙටි සටහනක් එකක් ගැසූ කෙටි කතාවයි. මම කෙටි සටහන "කඩ්ඩෙන්" ගැසුවෙමි. දේශපාලනික මනුෂ්‍යයාගේ අවස්ථාවාදී කෘර පැතිකඩ ගැන සරල නාට්‍යමය ස්වරුපයක් ගත් සරල දෙබසකින් නිරුපණය කිරීමට තැත් කළෙමි. පරිසර වර්ණනාව ඉහළ තලයකට ගෙනයාමට මෙම කෙටි කතාවේ විශේෂ තැනක් දුන්නෙමි. ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පය, සංගීතය, සාහිත්‍යය, මෝටර් රථ ආදී සර්ව කාලීන භෞතිකය එක් රැස් කොට ගත්තෙමි. මෙහි ශ්‍රී ලාංකික පරිසරයට මුලිකත්වයක් ඇත. මගේ පළමු කෙටි කතාවයි. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Shorties : Short notes

These short notes were made in the year 2010 and may contain errors in meanings and other factors. But without any amendments, I have shared it with my readers.

It's out there

About soul surfing and breaking the shell


A story of failure try to understand what the hell happened.

Stories and rumors

A story about a fall of a great executive in 6 perspectives


About anger and how to control it.

Insomniac Friends

A group of sleepless friends forms a society to find fun in life.


A story about a few people who normal rest of their lives but suddenly due to a power from the outer world makes them lose control.

'Soldier' Trilogy

(01) Soldier in the jungle, (02) Soldier in the Ocean, and (03) Soldier in the mountains

An adventure story.

Vengeful thoughts

A person who is very angry of his mother tries to analyse how to take revenge.

The expressionist

About a great drama actor who realises that life seems to out of his way in control when things go out of hand with his professional and career wise life.

Legends of a nation

[Ordinary family]


A weird look on the world.

Inspector (Uncommon style - vivid)

A story about a man who calls himself a guardian due to his loyalty to the system and eventually realizes his own perspective was fear.

Powerless (Common like da bicycle)

A story about a man who was a thug earlier but realizes later that when he is now old and frail his respect and power he had is frailing.

Down (Poetic - more of a experimental prose like the first -> Silent valley)

About realising it's own nature to be tendency to fail and never to strive to success.

Locked (Uncommon - mostly a report style)

A story about a person who got stuck in a office due to working overtime and trying to spend the night thinking what would others think of him and the weird surrounding.



01. Tomorrow, day after, and what will come forth

02. An internship

03. Internship diaries

04. Trail and error

05. Messenger, Secretary, and intern (All in one)

06. Testing the limits

07. Coming to reality: Stranger than ever

08. From shit head, lazy to average, mediocre: It's just the beginning

09. Endurance: Test of time

10. ඉස්සා, මැස්සා හා වස්සා, වැඩ්ඩා වීම.



01. පැසිස්ට්වාදියාගේ මනුස්සකම 

02. සිහිනයෙන් දුටු තරුණයා 

03. මාන්දම 

04. හර බැර 

05. පැන යාම 

06. මළ ජීවිත 

07. ග්‍රැෆිටි කෑල්ල 

08. අන්තිම සටන 

09. පවා දීම.

10. මම ඉපදුනේ එයටයි.

11. වැඩිහිටියන්ට පමණයි.

12. අවස්ථාවාදය 

13. තාර්කික පාරිභෝගිකයා 

14. නිදහසේ සීමාව 

15. ලස්සන වචන 

16. Online වැද්දා 

17. Inspector 

18. Powerless 

19. Down 

20. Locked

21. Security breach

22. It's out there

23. Fluke

24. Fall

25. Stories and rumors

26. Revenge

27. Face it!

28. Under control

29. Insomniac friends

30. Overeactor

31. Soldier in the jungle

32. Soldier in the ocean

33. Soldier in the mountains

34. Vengeful thoughts

35. The expressionist

36. Legends of a nation

37. Going away

38. Elements

39. Aren't you inspired yet?

40. Office man - Anonymous

41. Harvestor

42. You ate my lunch

43. Heist

44. Inquire the gods

45. මරණ මංචකයේ හිඳ ලියු කවි 

46. Silent Valley



01. The Fascist

02. Assassin at the other end

03. Born Criminal

04. A review on a porn

05. Seeing myself

06. Intro. / Prologue [ Beginning of the end ]

07. Glitch in my system

08. A part-time job or it's like self-employment

09. Ideal

10. Flash Back Humour

11. Sense of humor :) 

12. Epilogue: The end is the beginning

13. Sins of our fathers

Friday, March 5, 2021

Chatrak (Mushrooms) (2011) - Directed by Vimukthi Jayasundara (VJ) : Another film with a confusing narrative by VJ


Chatrak (Mushrooms) (2011) is another film with a confusing narrative by Vimukthi Jayasundara. (VJ)

His films are most suitable for adults containing graphic violence, nudity, and sexuality.

The Forsaken Land (2005), Chatrak (Mushrooms) (2011), and Dark in the White Light (2015) are his list of films that I was exposed to. 

They are well cinematographed but have a very confusing narrative that may distract the viewers.

The common theme of VJ is the unstructured development of the South Asian region and he has emphasized it in many perspectives through his films.

"The forsaken land (2005)" focuses on the war crimes of the Sri Lankan Army, "Chatrak (Mushrooms) (2011)" analyses the rapid development of Culcutta without a proper plan leading to confusion of people around them and people who are involved in it and finally "Dark in the white light (2015)" focuses on spiritual development and technological advancements of Sri Lanka infusing magical realism to the film making style.

Overall Chatrak (Mushrooms) (2011) takes the audience to a new paradigm exposing the viewers to Culcutta and its beauty as well as horrors.

Hidden philosophical themes and symbols are felt and are evident when watching the film exposing the director's creative vision and talent.

I watched Chatrak (Mushrooms) (2011) on SLT PeoTv streaming services. According to many reviews, it was an edited version but it does not disturb the viewers to enjoy a good film with philosophical undertones.

The film is run in the Bengali language and the streaming service provides Sinhalese subtitles.

Overall rating - 3/5


'Chatrak'(2011) [image] Available at: [Accessed 06 March 2021]

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Resolutions : 2020


By the end of 2019 like the previous year (2018) I personally established a list of resolutions focusing on goal achievement which will enhance my quality of life and new learnings.

2020 – New Year Resolutions

01. Pass ICASL (Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka): Executive level (March 2020 / September 2020) - 30%

(01.01) KE2 - Management Accounting Information
(01.02) KE4 - Processes, Assurance & Ethics

02. Self-studies ( ICASL and other study texts) - 14%

02.01. Sri Lanka Accounting Standards - LKAS
02.02. Sri Lanka Auditing Standards - SLAuS

03. Study the capital markets [ /] - 14%

04. Practice Physical Exercises. - Treadmill - 14%

05. Public speaking and leadership skills training - 14%

(05.01) Read books - reading challenge
(05.02) Personal training

06. Stay at NEXT Campus (Pvt) Ltd. as a management trainee. - 14%

During the previous year (2019) I was able to set 6 resolutions for the current year (2020).

2020 was one of the life-changing years for me and to the whole world due to the Corona / Covid-19 pandemic.

Like the previous year, I couldn't get through ICASL: Executive level. It was due to my personal decision of changing my academic focus into professional life objective attainment.

Thereby I missed an opportunity to achieve one of my resolutions for 2020.

Though I was able to achieve 2 job placements during the year, at a higher education service provider [NEXT Campus (Pvt) Ltd. (January 2020 to June 2020)] and at a Licensed Commercial Bank [Sampath Bank PLC (June 2020 to present ] my work performance has been average.

My job placement at NEXT Campus (Pvt) Ltd. was discontinued due to the pandemic and its cyclical impacts on society and the economy (Countrywide curfew and lockdown [March 2020 to May 2020]) but I managed to discuss with the management and negotiate a salary reduction in order to continue my job at the institution.

Later one of the jobs I applied for previously at a Licensed Commercial Bank (LCB) [Sampath Bank PLC] gave me the opportunity to work there. It was a great opportunity for me to find a job under such economic and social constraints which provided me the space to expand as a professional.

I watched some television shows during the year.

- Sudu Andagena Kalu Awidin (සුදු ඇඳගෙන කළු ඇවිදින්): Television series [2019]

- Thanamalvila Kollek | Family | TV Series (2020– )

- Sahodaraya | Drama | TV Series (2017– )

Out of the six resolutions, the first three resolutions ([01], [02], and [03]) which were related to academic achievements and investments were not achieved due to engagement in professional life and other deviation in objective attainment. Due to that 58% of my goal attainment was reduced.

I didn't exercise very often during the year but was able to at least follow up my exercises. Therefore I was able to marginally achieve the no. (04) resolution.

Though I was unable to practice public speaking I was able to read and achieve my '' reading challenge.

And also unlike in 2018 and 2019, I was able to stay at one job and maintain my professional life in a stable position. 

Through that, I was able to garner a 24.5% success rate in the leftover resolutions.

Therefore overall 24.5% success rate in achieving 2020 resolutions was maintained.

Overall the objective of having resolutions for a year is to have a good life.

And it was a good year (2020) for me.

Hoping to go forward (survive) in 2021 better than in 2020.

The main reason for the lack of objective attainment is the lack of focus on academic targets.

And also too much weight on professional life and non-academic goal attainment.

Resolutions : 2024

  By the end of 2023 like the previous year (2023) I personally established a list of resolutions focusing on goal achievement which will en...