Saturday, October 12, 2024

පෝස්ටරේ සහ කුරුම්බා - නිහාල් නෙල්සන් මතක

මාගේ ළමා සහ පාසැල් යන සමයේ එනම් 2002 වසරේදී එනම් මා 6 වසරේදී ඉගෙනුම ලබන විට අප නිවසට යාබද නිවසක සිටි මාගේ පාසලේම ඉගෙනුම ලැබූ මාගේ අයියාගේ වයසේ ශිෂ්‍යයකු වූ තීක්ෂණ කොඩිකාර නම් අයියා සමග සොඳුරු මෙන්ම ඉතාම දරුණු මතකයන් ඇත.

එයින් එක් මතකයක් නම් ඔහු සමඟ නිහාල් නෙල්සන්ගේ (1946 - 2022) ගීත වලට සවන් දීම. 

අප ඔහු සමග අපගේ පාසල් වෑන් රථයේ සිට ගෙදර එන විට හා නිවසේදී නිහාල් නෙල්සන්ගේ කැසට් පට වලට සවන් දුන්නෙමි.

පහත Link වලින් නිහාල් නෙල්සන් ගැන යම් දැනුමක් ලබා ගත හැක.

නිහාල් නෙල්සන් සතුව ඔහුටම Youtube Channel එකක් ඇති වුවද මා හට මතකයේ රැඳී සිංදු දෙකක් එහි නැත.

එම සිංදු දෙකේ රැඳුනු ගී තනුවල ඉතා කෙටි මතකයන් පහත ඇත.

ගීතය 01

තාප්ප ගානේ පාප්ප ගාගෙන පොස්ටරේ ඇලවෙයි
මාස්ටර් සර්ලා පාප්ප ගාගෙන තාප්ප වල වේලෙයි
රාත්‍රිකාලේට ඇලිච්ච දේවල් දවල්ට නොමදිස්වෙයි
තාප්ප සේරම පාප්ප නාගෙන පෝස්‍ටරෙන් වැනසෙයි

ගණන් පංති
චිත්‍ර කතා

කෑම පංති
බීම පංති
ලිං පැමිණිලි
ජන්ද කතා

යටින් ඇලවිලා 
උඩින් ඇලවිලා
තාප්ප පිරිලා
තාප්ප බිමට පෙරලිලා

ගීතය 02

මේවා රෑට බීපු අරක්කූ සැර මකන කුරුම්බා
වහෙන් වරෝ නෑ ඇග පත නිවන කුරුම්බා

තුං මං හන්දියේ
බකිස් ලෑලී කඩේ
මාර්ටින් අයියගේ
කුරුම්බා වල ගුනේ

කුරුම්බා වල ගුනේ
ඇයි අමතක වුනේ
මාර්ටින් නම් යසයි
කුරුම්බා හරි ගුනයි

මෙම මතකය සිහිවන විට මාගේ වර්තමාන දුෂ්කර තත්ත්වය 1984 (1949) නවකතාවේ ' ද චෙස්ට්නට් ට්‍රි කැෆේ ' හී ගීත ඇසෙන මතකය සිහි වේ.

කාලව සහ එයට අදාළ ''වයිබ්'' එක හෙවත් රිදම් එක හෙවත් වයිබ්රේටන් එක කාලයෙන් කාලයට වෙනස් වෙනවා. Brave New World (1932) එකේ මිනිසුන්ව ''කන්ඩිෂන්'' කරනවා වගේ මාත් වර්තමාන කලාව මග හරින්න මම කන්ඩිෂන් කරගත්ත. මගේ රුචිකත්වයන් පහත බ්ලොග් පොස්ට් වලින් බලන්න පුළුවන්.

කලාව මගේ වෘත්තීය භාවයට අදාළ නෑ. මම ව්‍යාපාරික වෘත්තීය ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ රැකියාව කරන්නේ. නමුත් අතීත 'කන්ඩිශනින්ග්' නිසා තාම කලාව පිලිබඳ මතක සිතට නැගෙනවා.

මම පෞද්ගලිකව struggle එකක් කරනවා. ඒක අමතක කරන්නත් එක්ක මේ post එක දානවා.

කලාව පිළිබඳව මට විශේෂ මතයක් දැන් නැහැ. මගේ vibe එකට set වෙනවා නම් මම කැමති.

මගේ FACEBOOK ජීවිතය සහ යතාර්ථය අසාමන්යයයි. බොහෝ විට පොත් ගැන හා අතිශය එපා වන සුළු විහිලු MEME මම share කලත් වසර 4ක සිට වැඩකට ඇති achievement එකක් share කර නැත.

මම FACEBOOK එකේ විවිධ කාල වල විවිධ ස්වරූප ගත්තා. පණ්ඩිත, විහිලු කාරී හා පවුල්වාදී ස්වභාවයක් ඒ තුළ තිබුනා.

නිහාල් නෙල්සන් බයිලා කිව්වා නිසා මම බයිලා ගැන පොතක් ගත්තා. ඒක ලිව්වේ මහාචාර්ය සුනිල් ආරියරත්න.

මෙහි නිහාල් නෙල්සන් ගැන නම පමණක් සටහන් වෙනවා. ඒ පහත පිටුවේ.

 විවිධ කාල වලදී විවිධ ප්‍රබේද කලාව තුල තිබේ. මෙය සුනිල් ආරියරත්නගේ පොත් කියවීමෙන් හඳුනාගත හැක.

බිලී ජෝ ආම්ස්ට්‍රෝන්ග් ගේ ග්‍රීන් ඩෙ සංගීත කණ්ඩායමේ ගීත වල ඇමරිකන් සමාජයේ දුර්වලතා පෙන්වන විදිහට ඉතා කෙටි වැකි වලින් නිහාල් නෙල්සන් ද සමාජ ප්‍රශ්න ඉතා හොඳින් පෙන්වයි. ඒවා ගැන post පහත මගේ photo album වල දකින්නට ඇත.

නාරද බක්මීවැව සහ තනුජා ජයවර්දන ගේ රස රිසි ගී මා පාසල් සමයේ ඇසුවා. ඔවුන්ගේ සිංග්ලිෂ් / singlish භාවිතය එකල සිංහල භාෂා මහාචාර්ය වරුන් විවේචනය කලා. ඒ මතකයන් එක්ක මේ post එකත් සිංග්ලිෂ් / singlish වලින් දැම්මා.

FACEBOOK එකේ හැමෝම මේ post එක දැකීමෙන් මගේ මතකයේ කොටසක් එසේ සමාජගත වීමෙන් අසාමාන්‍ය විහිලුකාරී අත්දැකීමක් හැමෝටම හිමිවේ. එය ඇත්තටම විහිලු මතකයකි.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

VCD - DVD - Bluray haul Removal


Lifer blog was about mostly my short prose about nature, personal experiences in Sri Lanka, Poetry, my personal writings in the period of 2010 to 2014, Sinhalese and Sri Lankan reviews of films from the period of 2020 to 2021 and my personal goals and resolution achievement for the period of 2020 to 2021.

This was mostly superficial writings but were interactive due to use of photos.

This post is a stark contrast due to it's difference in many aspects of life and also my rate of posting have declined drastically from 2017 to 2019, which is a good thing because of the irrelevance of things I share.

VCD-DVD-Bluray haul removal is the title of this post. This is a personal story of our family where we invested a hell of a lot of money on VCD-DVD-Bluray from the period of 2005 to 2014. 

I also downloaded 1500 torrent based films wasting a significant amount of data from my home internet package. 

And also due to these hobbies, my education was dismantled partly leading to depression. 

So this is kind of a cautionary tale with a nostalghic touch about memories 20 years ago.

I reviewed many films I watched and was posted them as blog posts. The link to the relevant blog posts are below. These reviews were added to IMDB as well.

I also prepared a list of films and television shows I watched as a blog post and also quoted John Lennon saying " Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time". The link is below.

My father and three of us purchased around 1000 films from film shops all around Sri Lanka, mainly Colombo and Gampaha. We even downloaded many films from illegal torrent websites since 2012. (YIFY now YTS, Piratebay, 1337x and Kickasstorrents) Many of the films we purchased and downloaded is against copyright laws but not in Sri Lanka. This is a 3rd world experience.

Many films we purchased were Hollywood, Bollywood or Tollywood.

Since our family were film fanatics we were ardent followers of Sinhala Cinema as well. Many old Sinhala films were purchased from Torana film shops in Sri Lanka. Now they are mostly in Youtube which shows our bad investments without value.

We were able to witness VCD to DVD and DVD to Bluray transition which reflected the technological advancements of the world.

And also since 2018 there were streaming services like Gluoo (For Sinhala films) and Netflix (For Hollywood films).

There were special DVD's with multiple films called Collections which provided high value but had low quality films.

These film CD's have bad environmental impact which reflects the carbon footprint. We were involved in as a hobby.

We purchased some originals from Singapore and other airport duty free shops during our trips. It was a great addition to our CD collection.


Special mentions should be made of the large 'Criterion' film collection we purchased from T.H. Entertainment, Kiribathgoda (Now Closed) It unlocked us to Europe (Ingmar Bergman), Japan (Akira Kurasowa) and India (Salaam Bombay).

Eagle DVD shop which was in front of Majestic City was a cost effective DVD shop which allowed us to buy a lot of films to a lesser price.

Overall it was a bad investment but also gave a great entertainment.

My advise to my post reader's is to know your limits.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Resolutions : 2023


By the end of 2022 like the previous year (2021) I personally established a list of resolutions focusing on goal achievement which will enhance my quality of life and new learnings.

2024 – New Year Resolutions

01. Try to organize and re-structure the auditing and accounting books (ICASL, CIMA, ACCA books) - 30%

02. Self-studies and start attending lectures to IBSL-DABF - 20%

03. Study the capital markets [ /] - 10%

04. Practice Physical Exercises. - Treadmill and other equipment - 10%

05. Public speaking and leadership skills training - 10%

05.01. Read books - reading challenge 

05.02. Personal training

(05.01) Read books - reading challenge
(05.02) Personal training

06. Stay at Sampath Bank PLC or make a good strategic career change - 5%

07. Become a vegetarian - 5%

08. Daily meditation practice - 5%

09. Personal Hygiene - 5%

* Brush teeth at night and morning

* Shave every week

* Cut fingernails every week

* Keep your legs on the ground

* Take a wash every day

During the previous year (2022) I was able to set 09 resolutions for the current year (2023).

2023 was the year of recovery after the economic conditions caused by the post-COVID environment but due to my unproductive nature, only a few achievements were made.

Like the previous year, I couldn't get through CASL: Business level. It was due to my personal decision to change my academic focus to professional life objective attainment. the objective was to try to organize and re-structure the auditing and accounting books (ICASL, CIMA, ACCA books) - 30%.

Thereby I missed an opportunity to achieve one of my resolutions for 2023.

However, I started self-studying and also attending IBSL-DABF lectures leading me to achieve one resolution. However, with the syllabus change and my failure to pass exams related to the field, it was partly achieved. (Total achievement - 20% / My percentage. - 5%)

I also invested and started analyzing the capital markets in Sri Lanka leading me to achieve another resolution marginally. - (Total achievement - 10% / My percentage. - 5%)

I didn't exercise very often. Therefore I was not able to achieve the no. (04) resolution. (Total achievement - 10% / My percentage. - 0%)

Though I was unable to practice public speaking and other leadership skills training I was able to read and achieve my '' reading challenge. - (Total achievement - 10% / My percentage. - 5%)

Another resolution was to retain my job at Sampath Bank PLC and maintain a stable career unlike in 2018 and 2019 which was achieved this year in 2023. - (Total achievement - 05% / My percentage. - 0%)

I wasn't able to become a vegetarian. Therefore one of my resolutions was not achieved. -  (Total achievement - 05% / My percentage. - 0%)

Also, I wasn't able to do my daily meditation practice. Therefore one of my resolutions was not achieved. -  (Total achievement - 05% / My percentage. - 0%)

Also, I was able to maintain and follow up personal hygiene in an acceptable manner which was achieved with personal margin. -  (Total achievement - 05% / My percentage. - 2.5%)

* Brush teeth at night and morning

* Shave every week

* Cut fingernails every week

* Keep your legs on the ground

* Take a wash every day

Through that, I was able to garner a 17.5% success rate in the leftover resolutions.

Therefore overall 17.5% success rate in achieving 2023 resolutions was maintained.

Overall the objective of having resolutions for a year is to have a good life.

And it was not a good year (2023) for me.

Hoping to go forward (survive) in 2024 better than in 2023.

The main reason for the lack of objective attainment is the lack of focus on academic targets.

And also too much weight on non-academic goal attainment.

Resolutions : 2024

  By the end of 2023 like the previous year (2023) I personally established a list of resolutions focusing on goal achievement which will en...