Thursday, April 19, 2018

Resolutions : 2017

By the end of 2016 like the previous year (2015) I personally established a list of resolutions focusing on the goal achievement which will enhance my quality of life and new learnings.

2017 – New Year Resolutions

01. Pass CIMA – Operational level  -  30% -> Not achieved.

02. Pass 2 subjects of IBSL – IABF   -  10% - > Achieved.

(1) Financial System Survey  - 5%

(2) Financial Clients Management - 5%

03. Pass exams in UCD – NSBM degree - 10% - Achieved.

04. Photography  - 2.3% - Achieved.

05. Only famous films and the selected TV series will be downloaded and will be watched. - 20%

      - Achieved.

06. Read books and review - 2.3% - Achieved.

07. Spiritual and religious activities - 2.3% - Achieved.

08. 1 Blog post per month in every blog - 2.3% - Not Achieved.

09. No drinking and smoking - 2.3% -  Achieved.

10. Participation in marathons - 2.3% - Achieved.

11. No relationships only friends. - 2.3% - Achieved.

12. Finish the USA 1st Phase – Documentation - 2.3% - Not achieved.

13. Draft 2nd phase with amendments - 2.3% - Not achieved.

14. Travel to Sri Padha alone. (Hat – trick) - 2.3% - Not achieved.

15. Finish E-soft graphic design class. - 2.3% - Not Achieved.

16. Capital market investments. - 2.3% - Achieved.

17. Initiate using a Music instrument / Painting - 2.3% - Achieved.

During the previous year (2016) I was able to set 17 resolutions for the current year (2017).

Like the previous year, I couldn't get through CIMA: Operational level. It was due to my personal decision of changing my academic mind into focus and precision giving a high weight into my "degree program" and "IBSL - IABF, 2 subjects." 

Thereby I was able to gain 20% success rate. But due to the incapability of not passing CIMA impacted me with losing 30% of success rate. 

Though the job at the audit firm was tough and was extremely ridiculed by my senior staff, the survival by conducting the work even at an average pace and acceptable accuracy was commendable in my opinion.

Managed to maintain my hobbies in an acceptable manner like the previous year (2016).

Religious and good habits were also established during the year (2017).

Overall the objective of having resolutions for a year is to have a good life. And it was kind of okay year for me. Hoping to go forward in 2018 as well.

Considering the given weights for the resolutions and achievements during the year 2017, 57.25% was gained.


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