Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Resolutions : 2017 (Not published)

 USA 2018 / Continuation with 2017 specialization in accounting, business studies, and economics.

(01) Like from 2015 to 2016, 2016 to 2017 I established a list of new year resolutions focusing the goal achievement and quality of life further expanding into many aspects of my personal and academic life.

2017: New Year Resolutions

The 2017 resolutions have been overly focused on many aspects of my personal life which drastically impacted my academic life. Unlike my previous year was based on personal evaluation 64.7% of new year resolutions (NYR) were achieved. But during the year 2017, the NYR achievement rate decreased by 57.5%. Many of these aspects reflects a differentiation in weighting based on the relevant year's (2017) goals and objective attainment.

Though unlike 2016 where a variable lifestyle was existent. Lived in Colombo alone also staying in Gampaha for six months and the rest in Gampaha fully, 2017 I spent the whole year at home sleeping, eating, studying, following my hobbies, and going to work in Gampaha, Sri Lanka.

But it has an impact from the previous year (2016) negatively to the current year (2017) as a re-generation of bad habits into the daily lifestyle.

Anyway to describe further, breaking of the habit of "Exercising" cyclically was not maintained, negatively impacting the year 2017 as well the goal attainment of 2017 NYR.


මම දිමන්ත. මගේ බ්ලොග් පිටු වල මගේ සහාසික බවේ අභිරහස සොයමින් ලියවුනු බොහෝ ලේඛණ ඇත.

මට වයස 27 යි. වසරක සිට අසාර්ථක වෘත්තීය ජීවිතයකට හිමිකම් කියමි. (2018 Mar. - 2019 Mar.)

මා තුළ නලියන සහාසිකත්වය උපතින් ගෙන ආ සා0සාරික චරිත ලක්ෂණයක්ද බව මට විටෙක සිතේ.

මම මෙම තත්ත්වය හෙවත් ප්‍රහේලිකාව ක්‍රමයෙන් විසදමින් සිටිමි.

මෙහි එන සියළු සිද්ධින් සත්‍ය වේ. මෙය කියවා ඔබ අනිවාර්යයයෙන්ම මා බින්නොන්මාදයෙන් පෙලෙන පිස්සකු බව සිතනු ඇත. කම් නැත. මෙය මට නම් පාපොච්චාරණයකි.

බොහෝ විට උම්මතකයින්ගේ සිතුවිලි කියවීමට පාඨක පිරිස වැඩියි.

මෙහි එන ස්ත්‍රී චරිත ස්ත්‍රීන් ලෙසම නිර්නාමිකව ඉතිහාසයේ යටගියාවක් වනු ඇත. එය මට සිතාමතා කරන ප්‍රයෝගයකි. ස්ත්‍රී සාධකය මට නම් සැමවිටම සංකීර්ණතවයකි.

මම සහාසික වන විට දත් මිටි කමි. දත් මිටි තුලින් තිත්ත රසක් ජනනය වේ. එම රසය සමඟ මගේ මමත්ත්වය වැඩිවේ.

මම අර්ථ රසයට වඩා ශබ්ද රසයට කැමැත්තක් දක්වමි. ගීතය, කවිය හා සංගීතය මාගේ ප්‍රධාන ජීවන රසකාරකයකි.

මම කෝපයට පත්වූ විට  විවිධාකාර වෙමි. මනසින් මිලියන, බිලියන හා ට්‍රිලියන ගණනකට බිඳී යමි. ලෝකය විනාස කරමි.

මම විටෙක 'තෝර්' වෙමි. [ 'තෝර්' යනු මාර්වල් සිනමා නිෂ්පාදකයන් ගේ සිනමා කෘති හයක නිරූපිත කාටුන් වීර චරිතයක සැබෑ සජීවී නිර්මාණයකි. ඔහු දෙවි කෙනෙකි. ක්‍රිස් හෙම්ස්වර්ත් ඔහුගේ චරිතයට පන පොවයි.] 'තෝර්' නම් අකුණු හා 'ගොරවනවට' අධිපති ජීවිතයට අදාළ දේශපාලනය මාගේ කුටුම්භ හා සමාජ ජීවිතයට මා ආදේශ කරමි. ['තෝර්' / Thor යනු නෝර්වේජියානු දෙවි කෙනෙකි. මා ඔහුව දන්නේ 'මාර්වල්' සිනමා කෘති හරහාය.]

මගේම 'බොහිමියානු රප්සැදියක්' ගයමි. පිස්සෙකු වෙමි. යථාර්ථයෙන් ඇත් වෙමි.

මේ සෑම මොහොතකම දත් මිටි කමි. ලෝකය විනාස කරමි. 'තෝර්' වෙමි. මගේ ජීවිතය සාර්ථක වේද, අසාර්ථක වේද යන්න මම 'Thor' / තෝර්' සාධකයට සීමා වී ඇත.

මමත්වය ජයගෙන ඇත. මා මගේම ලෝකයේ පිස්සකු වී ඇත.

ඇයගේ රංගනයන් හමුවේ මත්වී ඇත. පිස්සකු වී ඇත.

මට මගේ BIG MATCH ගිය තුන්වරක් සිහි වේ.

පිස්සෙක්.............පිස්සෙක්.................. පිස්සෙක්................. පිස්සෙක්................පිස්සෙක්............

උන් මටද යකෝ කෑ ගහන්නේ.

මම සිතමි.

ජීවිතයේ කාලය අනන්තය දක්වා විහිදෙන හැඟීමක් බව මට සිතේ.

මාගේ ආදේශපාලනික කෙටි කාලින සිතුවිලි හරියට ස්වයං වින්දනය කරනවා හා සමානයි.

දැක්මක් නැත.

මම තනිවම දත් විලිස්සාගෙන සිනාසෙමි.

"සිනහව අතරින් කඳුළක් උපන්නා............"

පැරණි ගීය ගයමින් මම සිනහ වෙමි.

නමුත් කඳුළු නැත.

පොත් ගොඩක් මැද තනිවූ සහාසික බින්නොන්මාදී කමතුරයා පමණි.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

A review on a porn [Suitable for 18+ years old]


The use of this image is purely on the basis of creating an artistic impression and not to disregard or disgrace any religion or its conceptual background.

Porn or pornography according to Merriam - Webster dictionary is,

1. The depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement.

2. Material (such as books or photography) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement.

3. The depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction.

Porn is considered unhealthy for mental health due to its unnecessary reflections of sexuality. And it even can become an addiction and even generate or stimulate excessive masturbation. This may lead to unsatisfied sex life or even to unnecessary sex practices in private life.

People don't review porn. It's clearly a guilty pleasure. As far as I know.

A review on porn is a confessional prose/poem fusion passage of porn and a masturbation addict.

It contains the mental and the physical suffering of overcoming addiction.

I know the title of this passage is shit.
Well, that's the whole point.
It reflects on the human element of attraction to
eroticism and finding pleasure

It's not something to be proud of
Addiction was a long-lost feeling...
You want to give up...
And later I gave up...
Now when I look back it's like the other addictions.....
But kind of worse......

Porn is like alcohol or tobacco
It stimulates your brain...
The difference is the blueprint that stays with you...
It imprints to every woman you see...
And trust me when you are sober it's worse......

It's like having a cigarette between your fingers every day.
You breathe filthy smoke every day.
And it sucks.

So I don't or won't review porn.
I want to forget.


· Ceiling of the Sistine chapel (article) (Image: Jpg), Available at: 
https://cdn.kastatic.org/googleusercontent/HJ0JyFLneXOn4BaRkK4E9jhX2cCxo7wy6m9umhw5Tk4d53DrKPAcYLcogCFccr8qGFiKhhJQ_oT9HiMV7IZj2p-K (Accessed date: 10th September 2017 / Time: 09:56 PM)

Motivation and the effects of Society / අභිප්‍රේරණය සහ සමාජය

 If you are mute, scream. 

If you are deaf, try to listen.

If you are stupid or feel like one start using your brain and start studying.

Go forward without hesitation.

If they call you spineless, act with a spine.

Act like real men. Face society with courage.

Depend on yourself, not society.


ඔබ ගොළු නම් කෑගසන්න. ඔබ බීරි නම් අහන්න තැත් කරන්න.

ඔබ මෝඩ නම් පාඩම් කරන්න, මොළය පාවිච්චි කරන්න.

නොසැළී ඉදිරියට යන්න.

ඔබ 'පොන්නයෙක්' වගේ කියනවනම් පිරිමියෙක් වගේ හැසිරෙන්න පුරුදු වෙන්න.

චීත්ත නොවී සමාජයට මුහුණ දෙන්න. සමාජය මත නොයෑපි තමා මත යැපෙන්න.


Monday, January 17, 2022

Resolutions : 2021


By the end of 2020 like the previous year (2019) I personally established a list of resolutions focusing on goal achievement which will enhance my quality of life and new learnings.

2021 – New Year Resolutions

01. Try to organize and re-structure the auditing and accounting books (ICASL, CIMA, ACCA books) - 25%

02. Self-studies and start attending lectures to IBSL-DABF - 25%

03. Study the capital markets [CSE.lk / Etrade.lk] - 05%

04. Practice Physical Exercises. - Treadmill and other equipment - 10%

05. Public speaking and leadership skills training - 05%

05.01. Read books - Goodreads.com reading challenge

05.02. Personal training

(05.01) Read books - Goodreads.com reading challenge
(05.02) Personal training

06. Stay at Sampath Bank PLC as a trainee and get the confirmation. - 10%

07. Complete blogging in Lifer.blogspot.com and pwarrsl.blogspot.com - 10%

08. Become a vegetarian - 05%

09. Daily meditation practice - 05%

During the previous year (2020) I was able to set 9 resolutions for the current year (2021).

2021 was one of the challenging years for me and to the whole world due to the Corona / Covid-19 pandemic.

Like the previous year, I couldn't get through ICASL: Executive level. It was due to my personal decision of changing my academic focus into professional life objective attainment. the objective was Trying to organize and re-structure the auditing and accounting books (ICASL, CIMA, ACCA books) - 25%.

Thereby I missed an opportunity to achieve one of my resolutions for 2021.

My job placement at Sampath Bank PLC as a trainee and then to be confirmed was successful leading to fulfilling one of my resolutions.

Stay at Sampath Bank PLC as a trainee and get the confirmation. - 10%

I didn't exercise very often during the year but was able to at least follow up my exercises. Therefore I was able to marginally achieve the no. (04) resolution.

Though I was unable to practice public speaking I was able to read and achieve my 'Goodreads.com' reading challenge.

Through that, I was able to garner a 37.5% success rate in the leftover resolutions.

Therefore overall 37.5% success rate in achieving 2021 resolutions was maintained.

Overall the objective of having resolutions for a year is to have a good life.

And it was a good year (2021) for me.

Hoping to go forward (survive) in 2022 better than in 2021.

The main reason for the lack of objective attainment is the lack of focus on academic targets.

And also too much weight on professional life and non-academic goal attainment.

Resolutions : 2024

  By the end of 2023 like the previous year (2023) I personally established a list of resolutions focusing on goal achievement which will en...