Friday, May 26, 2017

Fatal Friends

This is also a prose-poem fusion reflecting on an internal mental struggle of a human being focusing especially on paranoia, fear, betrayal and even may be death.

This concept was conceptualized in 2011-2013 period during my depression and post-depression.

The background of the poem is based on an old poem, “A poison tree” by Mr. William Blake, an English poet who wrote it in 1794.


I hear their voices……..
I hear mine………

The darkness fuses life with fear against them………
Men next to me…………….
My team………………
My long lasting friends……………..

Did they do this to me………….
Fatal blow………….
It scares me………….

Should I turn back………
Should I take revenge…………
Or just sit back and enjoy the show……………

Let the time decide……………

They walk around……………..
Smile and even reflect on me as friends………..
I don’t know the truth anymore…………………

May be they don’t even seize to exist…………..

May be this hate is mine.
And myself I created it.



·         Website name: Desktop (2017). Page title: The trone of death and dipear. Format : (Jpg.) Available at:  (Accessed date : 5/26/2017)

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